Monday 180528
Run 1 mile
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Squats
Run 1 mile
*You can wear a 20#(14#) weight vest
**Partition the pull-ups, push-ups,...
Sunday 180527
5 Rounds for max reps:
1 Minute row, calories
1 Minute DB snatch, 40#(25#)
1 Minute box jump over, 24"(20")
Rest 1 minute
Post scores...
Thursday 180524
5 Rounds for time:
20 Wall ball shots, 20#(14#), 10'(9')
10 Hang power cleans, 155#(105#)
Post times to comments and BTWB
Starting CrossFit: Dealing With Obstacles...
Monday 180521
Back Squat
Post loads to comments and BTWB
Folks, next Monday (May 28th) is Memorial Day. We will have and abbreviated schedule:
7:30am- WOD
9am- WOD
10am-11:30am- open...
Sunday 180520
In teams of 2, as many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
10 Box jump overs, 24"(20")
15 Russian kettlebell swing,...
Thursday 180517
Every minute on the minute, alternatimg x 20:
Minute 1- Push press, 115#(75#)
Minute 2- Dumbbell bear crawl, 35#(20#), every 5' = 5 reps...
Monday 180514
As many rounds and reps as possible in 45 minutes of:
Run 400 meters
3 Rope climbs
Run 400 meters
15 Clapping push-ups
Post rounds...
Sunday 180513
On a 4 minute clock x 4 rounds:
15(12) Calories on assault bike
10 Sandbag clean & jerk
10 Burpees over sandbag
*Score is...
Friday 180511
Every 3 minutes x 7 rounds:
1 Push press
Post results comments or BTWB
We are going heavy overhead today! To make sure we end up in...
Thursday 180510
For time:
Deadlift, 315#(205#)
Box jump, 30"(24")
Post times to comments and BTWB
"The hips serve as the primary generator of force in the majority...