Wednesday 230830

5 Rounds for time of21 Thrusters 95#(65#)15 Toes to bar9 Bar facing burpees 25:00 Time cap

Tuesday 230829

Every 2:00 x 61 Clean Deadlift + 1 Power clean + 1 Hang power clean*Add # each set, but technique comes before weight For time:10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1Power...

Monday 230828

Every 1:30 x 61 Wall walk + :10 Wall facing handstand hold + 1 wall facing stricthandstand push up. For time:21-18-15-12-9-6Pull upsPush upsAir squats *Complete a...

Sunday 230827

For time: Row 1000 meters Then, 5 Rounds of:30 Double unders20 Kettlebell swings 53#(35#)10 GHD Sit ups Then, Row 1000 meters *Can sub the row, with 800 meter runs Post WOD:3-5...

Saturday 230826

With a partner: With a 10:00 clockBuild to the heaviest weight of the following complex5 Deadlifts3 Hang power cleans1 Shoulder to overhead Rest 5:00 then, With a...

Friday 230825

Every 2:30 x 58 Back squats**Aim for heavier than 080423 As many reps as possible in 10:00 of: Max set of wallballs 20#(14#)Every time you break,10...

Thursday 230824

Bench PressEvery 3:00 x 56 - 9 repsMiddle ground between strenght and hypertrophy As many rounds as possible in 15:00 of: 4 Push ups8 Devil's press...

Wednesday 230823

As many rounds as possible in 22:00 of 12 Deadlifts9 Hang power cleans6 Front squats2 Ring muscle ups4 Handstand push ups *Pick your weigth for the...

Tuesday 230822

Every :90 x 63 Position power snatch-Power snatch-Below the knee power snatch-Hang power snatch *Perform all 3 reps without putting the bar down Every 3:00 x...

Monday 230821

Every :90 x 61 Toes to ring + 1 Ring muscle up + 1 Strict ring dip As many rounds as possible in 19:00 of 3...