Sunday 230820
With a 2:00 clockRow 200 metersWith remaining timeAs many shoulder to overhead as possible (Pick #)
Rest 1:00
Go until you've accumulate 100 reps
Cap = 10...
Saturday 230819
With a partner
As many rounds as possible in 22:00 of
10 Hang power cleans 155#(105#)10 Ring muscle ups + 1 dip10 Toes to bar100 Meter...
Friday 230818
Every 2:30 x 5 sets3 Front squats + 2 Thrusters
*Use the same weight for all 5 sets
As many rounds as possible in 14:00 ofRow...
Thursday 230817
Bench Press Hypertrophy5 sets of 10 - 15 reps
4 Rounds for time of:10 Deadlifts 185#(125#)10 Bar facing burpees
Wednesday 230816
For time:60 Double unders50 Wallballs 20#(14#)40 Calories on Rower30 GHD Sit ups20 Meter Handstand walk10 Pullovers20 Meter Handstand walk30 GHD Sit ups40 Calories on...
Tuesday 230815
Every :90 x 63 Position power clean-Power clean-Below the knee power clean-Hang power clean
*Perform all 3 reps without putting the bar down
As many rounds...
Monday 230814
Every :90 x 51 Handstand kick up and hold for :10 +1 Strict handstand push ups + 1 Kipping handstand push up
Glute extravaganza workout
Sunday 230813
4 Rounds for time:Run 400 Meters30 Kettlebell swings 53#(35#)10 Box jump overs 30"(24")
*Compare to 12/27/2022
Post WOD:5:00 Easy bike or row5:00 Reverse sled drag
Saturday 230812
With a partner:
20 Power cleans 185#(125#)40 Chest to bar pull ups60 Toes to bar100 Wallballs 20#(14#)60 Toes to bar40 Chest to bar pull ups20...
Friday 230811
Every 2:00 x 5 rounds5 Shoulder press
As many rounds as possible in 18:00 ofRun 400 meters7 Shoulder to overhead**Use the heaviest weight from 7/31/23...