Saturday 230909

Ali's birthday WOD With a partner As many rounds as possible in 24:00 of 9 Deadlifts9 Hang power cleans86 Double unders3 Rope climbs7 Calories on the rower *Add...

Friday 230908

Every 2:00 x 56 Back squats**Heavier than 082523 4 Rounds for time of:10 Goblet squats 53#(35#)10 Goblet lunges 53#(35#)10 Box jump overs 24"(20")Run 200 meters

Thursday 230907

Bench Press5 sets of 8 - 12 repsUse the heaviest weights you can for a minimum of 8 reps and a maxof 12 reps. As...

Wednesday 230906

Every 2:00 x 61 Snatch grip olypic deadlift (Hips lower than conventional deadlift, just like last week'sclean complex) +1 Power snatch +1 Hang power...

Tuesday 230905

Gymastic skill work:Every 1:30 x 61 Strict pull up +1 Strict chest to bar pull up +1 Kipping pull up +1 Kipping chest to...

Monday 230904

With a partner or alone 8 Rounds for time of5 Front squats 115#(75#)5 Bar facing burpees5 Push Press 115#(75#)5 Bar facing burpees5 Thrusters 115#(75#)5 Bar...

Sunday 230903

For time:50-40-30-20-10Eye level kettlebell swings10-20-30-40-50Calories on the rower1-2-3-4-5Wall walks Post WOD:3 -5 Rounds for quality of10-8-6-4-2Bicep curls with ascending weight dumbbells Start with 10 bicep curls...

Saturday 230902

With a partner: In 10:00 each partner completes: 1:00 Max calories on bike1:00 Max calories on ski erg1:00 Max power cleans 115#(75#)1:00 Max toes to bar Partner...

Friday 230901

Every 2:00 x 5 sets5 Front squats*Aim for the weight from the back squats on 08/25/23 As many rounds as possible in 16:00 ofRun 400...

Thursday 230831

Bench Press5 sets of 1 - 3 reps*Strength focus today. Go heavy and have spotters 3 Rounds for time of:Row 700(600) meters20 Dumbbell hang power...