Saturday 210130

WOD- As many rounds/reps as possible in 12:00 of: 50 Double Unders 35 Sit-ups 5 Bar Muscle Ups SPRINT- For time: Row 1000 meters then, 5 Rounds of: 10...

Friday 210129

WOD- 4 x 3:00 minute AMRAP Repeats: 10 Box Jumps 30"(24") 10 Hang Power Snatches 75#(55#) 10 Handstand Push-ups SPRINT- 5 Rounds for max reps of: With a 2:30 clock...

Thursday 210128

WOD- HEAVY DAY 7 x 3 rep Deadlifts as heavy as possible across all sets SPRINT- Complete the following for time: Row 2000(1600) meters 10 Medball cleans Row 1500(1200) meters 20 Medball cleans Row...

Wednesday 210127

WOD- For Time: 15, 14, 13, ...3,2,1 Single DB/KB Thruster 50#(35#) 1,2,3,...,13,14,15 Pull Ups SPRINT- As many rounds as possible in 15:00 of Bike or ski 20(15) calories 10...

Tuesday 210126

WOD- For Time: 5k Row *Every 3 Minutes 5 Sandbag Over Shoulder SPRINT- 5 Rounds for time of: 20 Russian kettlebell swings 10 Toes to bar 20 Box jump overs 10 Pull ups Verve...

Monday 210125

WOD- For Time: 12-9-6 Front Squat 185#(125#) Burpee Box Jump Over 24"(20") Toes-2-Bar SPRINT- As many rounds as possible in 18:00 of 30 Double unders 10 Single arm dumbbell thruster right 10 Single...

Saturday 210123

WOD- PARTNER WOD: 50 Rounds for time: 1 Power Snatch 135#(95#) 3 Box Jump Overs 24"(20") 5 Push-ups Partner 1 does a round, then partner 2 does the next. Alternate...

Friday 210122

WOD- As many rounds as possible in 14:00 of: 10 Chest-2-Bar Pull-ups 20 Wall Balls 20#(14#) 10'(9') 30 Double Unders SPRINT- Every 2:30 x 4 rounds 10 Dumbbell bench press Rest...

Thursday 210121

WOD- For Time: 9-15-21 Handstand Push-ups Deadlift 185#(115#) Bar Facing Burpees SPRINT- 5 Rounds of, with a 2:30 clock 10 Dumbbell hang power cleans 5 Weighted burpees holding 2 dumbbells With the remaining time,...

Wednesday 210120

WOD- 8 Rounds For Completion: Row 250m easy Row 250m as hard as possible SPRINT- Complete the following for time: 100 Wall balls 100 Box jumps 100 Calories on the bike 1:00 L...