Friday 220909

WOD- For time: 10-8-6-4-2 Front squats 95#(65#) 20-16-12-8-4 Kipping pull ups Rest as long as you want, then: 2-4-6-8-10 Front Squats 135#(95#) Bar muscle ups 25:00 Time cap Score = total time including rest SPRINT- With...

Thursday 220908

WOD- Every 2:30 x 7 1 Push press + 1 Push jerk Rest until the 20:00 mark, then: As many rounds as possible in 12:00 of...

Wednesday 220907

WOD- As many rounds as possible in 22:00 of 2 Rope climbs 10(8) Calories on the bike or ski erg or 20(16) Calories on the rower 5 Power...

Tuesday 220906

WOD- Every 2:30 x 7 sets 3 Pause back squats* *Slow lowering to below parallel, :03 pause, then up fast **Aim for heavier than last week Rest ~ 5:00...


WOD and SPRINT- For time: Run 1600 Meters or Row 2000 meters Then: 10 rounds of 10 Alternating dumbbell snatch (Pick #) 10 Box step ups with dumbbell 24"(20") 10...

Sunday 220904

WOD- Row for 10:00 Rest 2:00 Row 8:00 Rest ~ 5:00 Then, As many rounds as possible in 15:00 of 10 Box jump overs 24"(20") Run 100 meters 10 Kettlebell...

Saturday 220903

WOD- 5 Rounds for time of: 4 Ring muscle ups 8 Handstand push ups Row 12 calories 4 Ring muscle ups 8 Handstand push ups Row 12 calories 25:00 Time Cap SPRINT- With A...

Friday 220902

WOD- 5 Rounds for time and weight of: 10 Deadlifts 9 Hang power cleans 8 Front squats *You have to do the entire complex without putting...

Thursday 220901

WOD- Every 2:30 x 7 2 Push press + 1 Push jerk Rest ~ 5:00 then, With a 4:00 clock: Run 400 meters With the remaining time As many...

Wednesday 220831

This week we will be going below parallel in a few workouts.  The idea is to see how our squatting on Monday transfers over...