Sunday 221009

WOD- With a 22:00 clock 50 Double unders 20 Alternating dumbbell snatches (Pick #) 15 Box Jumps (Pick height) 10 Double Dumbbell Push Press (Pick #) 1:00 for max calories...

Saturday 221008

WOD- With a partner, complete the following Bench press 12000 pounds. *Pick the weight you want to use and break up however you want. Then, Bike 120 calories *Switch however...

Friday 221007

WOD- For time 21-15-9 Deadlifts 205#(135#) Toes to bar At the 12:00 mark For time: 12-9-6 Thusters 115#(75#) 5-4-3 Rope climbs SPRINT- 10 Rounds For Time: 5 KB Thrusters 200m Run 15 KB Swings

Thursday 221006

WOD- In 10:00 build to a heavy push press Rest 4:00 then In 10:00 build to heavy push jerk After party 3 - 5 rounds for quality of...

Wednesday 221005

WOD- For time: 50 Medball cleans 20#(14#) 40 Box jump overs 24"(20") 30 Eye level kettlebell swings 70#(53#) 20 Strict Ring dips 30 Eye level kettlebell swings 70#(53#) 40 Box jump...

Tuesday 221004

WOD- 5 Rounds for time of: 10 Hang power cleans 135#(95#) 10 Burpee pull up After party: Ab Finisher 1:00 Plank hold 1:00 Reverse crunches 1:00 Side plank Right 1:00 Heel...

Monday 221003

Today we test our 1 rep back squat.  This is a regular back squat, no pause at the bottom.  You will be able to...

Sunday 221002

WOD- For time: 21-15-9 Eye level kettlebell swings (Pick your #) Calories on assault bike Rest 5 minutes 9-15-21 Eye level Kettlebell swings (Pick your #) Calories on the rower Rest 5:00 then 45...

Saturday 221001

WOD- 7 Rounds for time of: Run 200 meters 6 Bar muscle ups 6 Power snatch 135#(95#) Compare to 10/19/2018 SPRINT- 30 Minute AMRAP: 30 WallBalls 600m Run 30 Box Jump Overs 60 KB Swings 30...

Friday 220930

WOD- Complete the following for time: 200 Meter farmer carry (Choose your own #) Then, 5 Rounds of 12 Deadlifts 185#(125#) 20 Push ups Then, 200 Meter farmer carry (Choose your own...