Thursday 220929

WOD- Every 2:00 x 5 2 Push press @ 90% - 95% of the heaviest # you've done in the past couple of weeks. Rest 3:00 then, Every...

Wednesday 220928

WOD- Complete the following for time: 50 Wallballs 20#(14#) 10'(9') 15 Pull ups 50 Double unders 35 Wallballs 20#(14#) 10'(9') 30 Pull ups 50 Double unders 20 Wallballs 20#(14#) 10'(9') 45 Pull ups 50...

Tuesday 220927

WOD- 3 Rounds of: With a 6:00 clock Run 400 meters 15 Power cleans With the remaining time As many bar facing burpees as possible Rest 3:00 between round Rd 1...

Monday 220926

WOD- Every 2:30 x 7 2 Pause Back Squats *Slow lowering to below parallel, :03 pause, then up fast This is the last week of pause squats....

Sunday 220925

WOD- In 15:00 build to build to a heavy to form Power snatch + hang power snatch Rest ~5:00 then, As many rounds as possible in 15:00 of...

Saturday 220924

WOD- Take 15:00 to build to a heavy 2 rep bench press Rest 5:00 then, For time: 50 Wall balls 20#(14#) 40 Toes to bar 30 Burpee box jump overs...

Friday 220923

WOD- 10 rounds for time of Run 200 meters 10 Deadlfits 155#(105#) 10 Kipping pull ups After party: 3 Rounds for quality of 10 GHD sit ups 10 GHD hip extensions SPRINT- 20...

Thursday 220922

WOD- Every 2:00 x 5 3 Push press @ 80 - 90% of last week's heaviest push press Rest 3:00 then, Every 2:00 x 5 3 Push jerk @...

Wednesday 220921

WOD- Linchpin Test #2 3 Rounds for time of: 5 Ring Muscle-ups 10 Squat Cleans 135#(95#) 20 box jumps 24"(20") *15:00 Time cap *Compare to 191002 SPRINT- 3 Rounds for Time: 50 (40) Bike...

Tuesday 220920

WOD- As many rounds as possible in 22:00 of Row 1000 meters 20 Burpees Run 800 meters 30 Ab mat sit ups SPRINT- Test 4: Cindy 20 Minute AMRAP: 5 Pull Ups 10 Push...