Wednesday 221019

WOD- 12:00 to build to a heavy 2 or 3 rep bench press Then, Every 5:00 x 5 Run 200 meters 10 Deadlifts 135#(95#) 10 Bar facing burpees Rest the remainder...

Tuesday 221018

WOD- As many rounds as possible in 22:00 of Row 500 meters 5 Ring muscle ups 10 Box jumps 24"(20") 15 Medball cleans 20#(14#) SPRINT- Test 8: Endurance Run 400m 10 Burpees Run...

Monday 221017

WOD- In 20:00 build to a heavy power snatch Number will be used for our power snatch lifting program for 8 - 12 weeks. Rest 5:00 then, 4...

Sunday 221016

WOD- For time: Row 1000 meters then, 6 Rounds of: 8 Devil's press (pick #) 8 Burpee box step overs holding dumbbells 20""(20"") Then, Row 1000 meters    

Saturday 221015

WOD- With a partner and a 30:00 running clock Complete as many rounds in 20:00 of 5 Chest to bar pull ups 10 Push ups 15 Air squats 1...

Friday 221014

WOD- Complete the following for time: Run 1 mile 30 Shoulder to overhead 115#(75#) 2 Rope climbs 15' Run 800 Meters 20 Shoulder to overhead 135#(95#) 4 Rope climbs 15' Run 400...

Thursday 221013

WOD- With a 2:30 clock 12 Hang power cleans 95#(65#) 24 Ab mat sit ups With the remaining time As many calories on the bike, ski erg, or rower...

Wednesday 221012

WOD- Paul C's birthday WOD Row 493 meters, then 10 rounds of 6 Burpees 6 Overhead squats 75#(55#) Then, Row 493 meters, then 10 rounds of 6 Kettlebell swings 53#(35#) 6 Pull...

Tuesday 221011

WOD- Every 3:00 x 5 sets 3 Bench Press* Start at above 80% of your 1 rep max and try to build each of the 5 sets Rest...

Monday 221010

WOD- 3 Rounds of With a 5 minute clock 30(20) Calorie row 10 Squat cleans* With the time remaining, as many calories on the rower as possible. Rd...