Saturday 220507

WOD- With a partner, As many rounds as possible in 20:00 of: 10 Power cleans 165#(115#) 10 Burpee chest to bar pull ups 10 Shoulder to overhead 165#(115#) At...

Friday 220506

WOD- In 12:00 Build to a 10 rep back squat from the rack Rest 4:00, then For time: Run 400 meters 20 Back squats 135#(95#) Run 400 meters 20 Box jump...

Thursday 220505

WOD- For time: Row 1000 meters Then, 3 Rounds of 20 Bar facing burpees 20 Toes to bar 20 Deadlifts 115#(75#) Then, Row 1000 meters SPRINT- 5 Rounds for Time: 500m Row 5 KB Deck...

Wednesday 220504

WOD- 4 Rounds for time of 30 Eye level kettlebell swings 53#(35#) 20 Goblet lunges 53#(35#) 10 Kettlebell cleans 53#(35#) 5 Ring muscle ups Rest 2:00 between rounds Score...

Tuesday 220503

WOD- In 12:00 build to a heavy 10 rep touch and go power snatch *Try to go heavier than 2 weeks ago Rest 4:00, then: As many rounds...

Monday 220502

WOD- 2 Rounds of Run, Row, Bike, or Ski for 4:00 right into As many rounds as possible in 10:00 of: "Cindy" 5 Pull ups 10 Push ups 15 Air squats Rest...

Sunday 220501

WOD- 15:00 to build to a heavy complex of 1 Clean deadlift + 1 Clean + 1 front squat Then, As many rounds as possible in 14:00...

Saturday 220430

WOD- With a partner Row 40:00 for max meters Partner 1 rows Partner 2 does a 400 meter farmers carry with 2 kb's 35#(26#) When Partner 2 returns from...

Friday 220429

WOD- In 12:00 build to a heavy 10 rep thruster Rest 4:00 then, For time: 4 Rounds for time of: Run 200 meters 5 Thrusters (Use today's 10 rep) SPRINT- For time: 1000m...

Thursday 220428

WOD- Every 3:00 x 10 rounds 5 Deadlifts 115#(75#) 4 Hang power cleans 115#(75#) 30 Double unders *With remaining time, row as many meters as possible. Every 3:00 you start...