Sunday 230507

As many reps as possible in 5:00 of 1 Wall walk20(16) calories on the rower1 Wall walk20 Single arm hang dumbbell snatch (Pick #)1 Wall...

Saturday 230506

5 sets of 2 weighted dips*Use heavier than last week Then, With a partnerWith a 22:00 clock perform as many reps of: Wallballs 20#(14#)Deadlifts 165#(115#)Bar muscle upsCalories...

Friday 230505

5 sets of 12 reps ofBarbell Hip thrusts*Use a heavier weight than 042123Rest 1:30 - 2:00 between sets For time:Row 1000 meters100 Double unders20 10...

Thursday 230504

Midline Capacity 5:005 Rounds of:12 Toes to bar:48 Forearm plank hold Clean and Jerk W3Every 3:30 - 4:00 x 52 Cleans + 1 Clean and...

Wednesday 230503

Used competition bumper plates for sale. We have 4 25# plates and 2 10# plate for sale. These plates are used and can't be...

Tuesday 230502

5 Rounds for time of:Row 750(700) meters10 Burpees over the rower2 Power snatch (Pick your #)* Same idea as last week. You can add...

Monday 230501

Front Squat W3 Front SquatsEvery 3:00 x 53 Front Squats at 80 - 90% of 1 Rep max *Stay in the percentage range! This is a...

Sunday 230430

As many rounds as possible in 15:00 of 8 Hang power cleans 95#(65#)8 Bent over rows 95#(65#)8 Box jump overs 24""(20"") Post WOD 3 - 5 Rounds...

Saturday 230429

Every 2:30 - 3:005 Sets of 3 Weighted Strict DipsRest remainder of timeAim for heavier than last week Then, With a partner: In any order and rep...

Friday 230428

4 sets of 15/15 Bulgarian Split squats*Use same weight as 04/14/23 as the reps are higher today 8 Rounds for time of5 Devil's press 40#(25#)12(10)...