Saturday 230527

With a partner, complete the following for time: 100 Calories on the bike (switch every 10 calories) Then, 5 Rounds of:20 Deadlifts 155#(105#)20 Wallballs 20#(14#)20 Knees to...

Friday 230526

5 Sets of 10 - 15 Bench pressUse heavier weight than 5/12/23rest 1:30 - 2:00 between but no longer than 2:00 3 sets of 15...

Thursday 230525

Midline Capacity 5:005 Rounds of:12 of ab mat sit ups:48 of windshield wipers Clean and Jerk W6 Every 4:00 x 55 Cleans + 2 Jerk at...

Wednesday 230524

With a 5:00 clockRun 200 meters20 Box jump overs 24"(20")Run 200 meters With the remaining time: As many ring muscle ups as possible Rest 3:00 x 3...

Tuesday 230523

As many rounds as possible in 22:00 of 1 Power snatch + 1 hang power snatch (Pick #)*8 Toes to bar16(14) Calories on the rower32...

Monday 230522

Front Squat W6 Every 3:00 x 55 Front Squats at 55 - 65% + 10# of 1 Rep max* Use the weight from Week 1 (04/17/2023)...

Sunday 230521

5 sets of 8 - 12 reps of bench press*Aim for heavier than 051223 5 Rounds for time of:Row 500(450) meters9 Lateral burpees over the...

Saturday 230520

In teams of 2, complete as many reps as possible in 25:00 of 10 Hang power cleans 115#(75#) each partner(Partner holds bar in top of...

Friday 230519

4 sets of 12/12Bulgarian split squats*Use a heavier weight than 4/29/23 as the reps have decreased 3 Rounds for time of: 12 Eye level kettlebell swings...

Thursday 230518

Midline Capacity 5:005 Rounds of:12 of alternating single leg v ups:48 of slow knee's to chest Clean and Jerk W5 (Deload) Every 3:00 x 55 Squat...