Tuesday 230507
Every 2:30 x 3 sets
10 Back squats at 80% of last week's 20 rep
*All 3 sets are the same weight
As many rounds as possible...
Sunday 230205
For time:
Row 500(400) meters
30 Dumbbell shoulder to overhead (Pick your #)
Row 400 meters
30 Dumbbell hang power cleans
Row 300 meters
30 Dumbbell hang to overhead
Saturday 230203
Every 2:00 x 5 rounds
5 Front squats (Building or across)
Rest ~ 5:00 then
With a partner, complete the following for time:
10 Rounds for time...
Friday 230203
Every :90 x 8
2 Deadstop deadlifts (Aim for heavier than last week)
Rest ~4:00 then
Every :90 x 8
2 Power cleans + 1 Jerk
(Use last...
Thursday 230202
Pull up capcity
5:00 of
:12 Strict pull ups
:48 Seated banded lat pull downs
With a 20:00 time cap, complete the following in any order...
Wednesday 230201
In 12:00 build to a 20 rep back squat
Rest ~5:00 then
As many rounds as possible in 16:00 of
2 Wallballs 20#(14#)
2 Box jump overs 24""(20"")
Tuesday 230131
Power clean capacity
5:00 of
:12 Hang power cleans 95#(65#)
:48 Single kettlebell deadlifts (No heavier than 35#)
Rest ~ 4:00 then;
Jordan's Birthday WOD
22 Rounds for time...
Monday 230130
Midline capacity:
5 Rounds of
:10 Tuck ups
:10 Hollow hold
:40 Slow kness to chest
Every 1:30 x 8 rounds
3 Shoulder press (Building)
10 Rounds of...
Sunday 230129
7 Rounds for time of:
15(12) Calories on the rower
10 Dumbbell complex of:
Deadlift + Hang squat clean + Front squat + Push press
Post WOD:
3 Rounds...
Saturday 230128
In 15:00 minutes, build to a 5 rep back squat
*Does not have to be a 5 rep max. Leave some in the tank
Rest ~5:00...