Tuesday 230207
Come on by this Saturday the 11th! All fitness levels welcome! We will be hosting a fundraising event for Boop Animal Rescue. On March...
Monday 230206
Come on by this Saturday the 11th! All fitness levels welcome! We will be hosting a fundraising event for Boop Animal Rescue. On March...
Saturday 230304
With a partner:
As far as possible in 24:00 of
Row 10 calories
5 Hang squat cleans (Choose your own #)
1 Rope climbs
Row 20 calories
10 Hang squat...
Friday 230303
Come by tonight for Friday Night Lights. We'll have food and beverages and plenty of people taking on Open Test 23.3. FNL starts at...
Thursday 230302
Recovery/Skill Day in lieu of Open tomorrow
2 x 7:00 on machines (Bike, Ski, or Row)
*You can do 1 machine or mix it up
Wednesday 230301
Pull up capacity 5:00 of:
:18 Strict pull ups
:42 of Banded lat pull downs
With a 20:00 running clock
Complete as many rounds as possible of:
5 Pull...
Tuesday 230228
Mark you calendars! We will be hosting a fundraising event for Boop Animal Rescue. On March 11th, we ask that all Verve and on...
Monday 230227
Mark you calendars! We will be hosting a fundraising event for Boop Animal Rescue. On March 11th, we ask that all Verve and on...
Sunday 230226
Mark you calendars! We will be hosting a fundraising event for Boop Animal Rescue. On March 11th, we ask that all Verve and on...
Saturday 230225
Mark you calendars! We will be hosting a fundraising event for Boop Animal Rescue. On March 11th, we ask that all Verve and on...