Monday 200420
Row or Run
15:00 @ RPE 3 - 5
Rest 3:00
10:00 @ RPE 3 - 5
As many rounds as possible in 15:00 of
Run 200...
Sunday 200419
3 Rounds of:
With a 5:00 clock
Run 800 meters
With remaining time, as many up and over
an object as you can.
Rest 2:00 between rounds
The weather is...
Saturday 200418
With a virtual partner, complete the following for time:
100 Hang power cleans
100 Front squats
100 Shoulder to overhead
Divde the reps up how you want,...
Friday 200417
Row or Run
5 - 8 x 800 Meters @ RPE 7+
2:00 rest between
You can do a minimum of 5 runs or rows up to...
Thursday 200416
5 Rounds for time of:
20 Russian kettlebell swings
20 Reverse lunge steps with KB in goblet hold
Rest 5:00 then,
5 Rounds for time of:
10 Strict pull...
Wednesday 200415
As many rounds as possible in 15:00 of:
20 Alternating dumbbell snatches
15 Air squats
10 Push ups
Programmed in the gym, the dumbbell weight
would be 40#(25#)
Tuesday 200414
Row or Run
2 x 10:00 with 2:00 rest between each
RPE = 3 - 5
For time:
100 Power cleans
Every minute on the minute including 0:00
perform 5...
Monday 200413
5 rounds of:
With a 2:00 clock
As many rounds as possible of:
10 Thrusters
10 Box jumps (No rebounding, jump up and step down)
Rest 1:00 between each...
Sunday 200412
For time:
30 Russian kettlebell swings
30 Goblet squats
30 Plank burpees
20 Russian kettlebell swings
20 Goblet squats
20 Plank burpees
10 Russian kettlebell swings
10 Goblet squats
10 Plank burpees
*Plank burpees...
Saturday 100411
5 Rounds of:
With a 2:00 clock perform:
25 Double unders
10 Deadlifts
25 Double unders
With remaining time, as many strict handstand push
ups as possible.
If I programmed this...