Saturday 191102

WOD- For Time: 20 Strict handstand push ups 30 Strict Pull Ups 40 Push Ups 50(40) Calories on the rower 40 Push Ups 30 Strict Pull Ups 20 Strict handstand push ups SPRINT- GRID...

Friday 191101

WOD- 30 box jumps 24"(20") 15 clean and jerks 95#(65#) 30 box jumps 24"(20") 15 clean and jerks, 135#(85#) 30 box jumps 24"(20") 10 clean and jerks, 185#(115#) 30 single-leg squats 10 clean and...

Thursday 191031

WOD- With a 20:00 clock Row for max meters *Every 2:30 get off rower and perform 5 Dumbbell bicep curls (pick your weight) 5 Push...

Wednesday 191030

WOD- 15:00 to build to a heavy thruster Then: Every 2:00 x 5 rounds 35 Double unders 8 Thrusters 95#(65#)" SPRINT- 5 rounds of: 3 min Amrap 6 Alt DB Snatch (40/25) 6 DB...

Tuesday 191029

WOD- As many rounds as possible in 18:00 of Row 20(16) calories 5 Ring muscle ups 10 Box jump overs 24"(20") SPRINT- 2 Rounds: 5m Ladder (min 1-5) (10-15) 2-4-6-8-10..... Toes to bar KB...

Monday 191028

WOD- Every 3:00 x 10 rounds 10 Toes to bar 10 Jumping squats holding a medball 20#(14#) 5 Hang power clean and jerks 95#(65#) *Scores are fastest and slowest...

Sunday 191027

WOD- Complete for time in any order and rep scheme you like Row 2000 Meters 100 Calories on assault bike 200 Double unders 20 Sandbag ground to shoulder 150#(100#) 100...

Saturday 191026

WOD- With a partner complete the following: Run 1600 Meters, switching every 200 meters 100 Wall balls 20#(14#) switch every 10 reps 100 Kipping pull ups switch every...

Friday 191025

WOD- WORKOUT 18.4 21 Deadlifts 225#(155#)  21 Handstand push-ups 15 Deadlifts 225#(155#) 15 Handstand push-ups 9 Deadlifts 225#(155#) 9 Handstand push-ups 21 Deadlifts 315#(205#) 50′ Handstand walk 15 Deadlifts 315#(205#) 50′ Handstand...

Thursday 191024

WOD- Gymnastic skill day With a 30:00 running clock, Row 500(400) meters Bar or ring muscle up work between rows *Today is a day to work on muscle...