Gymastic skill work:
Every 1:30 x 6
1 Strict pull up +
1 Strict chest to bar pull up +
1 Kipping pull up +
1 Kipping chest to bar pull up
*Sub 4 strict pull ups with bands or box assistance for the complex
Every 1:30 x 10 rounds
1 Toes to bar
20 Double unders
Max calorie row, bike, or ski erg with time remaining
2 Toes to bar
20 Double unders
Max calorie row, bike, or ski erg with time remaining
3Toes to bar
20 Double unders
Max calorie row, bike, or ski erg with time remaining
4 Toes to bar
20 Double unders
Max calorie row, bike, or ski erg with time remaining
Continue until 10 Toes to bar, 20 Double unders, and max calories
Score = total calories over the 10 rounds.
There is not rest, you will start the next set of toes to bar
on next 1:30
*From CFNE I believe