Monday 110411




Three rounds, 21 – 15 – 9 reps for time of:
Thrusters, 95#/65#

Post time to comments. 

Trainers learning to be better trainers at the Coaches Prep Course.

What’s all the hub bub with Grass-fed beef?!?

For years, we have let the beef industry feed us an inferior protein from grain-fed cows because it is cheaper and easier to process.  What they do not tell you is how much you are missing out on when you choose grain-fed over grass-fed.  

Let’s just look at a couple of comparisons between the two:
The calorie count: If you are on a calorie restricting diet, you will be glad to know that grass-fed beef has less calories than a grain-fed beef.  Example, for a 6oz steak, the grass-fed and 100 fewer calories than that of a grain-fed steak.  

Fats, good and bad: Grass-fed beef is on the same line of healthy eating as skinless chicken.  Grass-fed has half to one-third less fat than that of grain-fed.  In fact, it has about the same amount of fat as a skinless chicken.  Being that it is a more lean meat, it helps lower your LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol).  

Omega 3’s in beef??
That’s right, it’s not just in fish.  Grass-fed beef contains two to six times more Omega 3’s than grain-fed.  The little moo-moo’s get their Omega 3’s from the green grass they eat on a daily basis.  Sure, a grain-fed cow will have Omega 3’s.  But, the longer the cow is in a feed lot, the lower the level of Omega 3’s that are contained in the meat and the higher the levels of Omega 6's.

These are just a few benefits from consuming grass-fed beef instead of grain-fed.  Now here is a question for you: who would be interested in ordering some grass-fed beef?  You will need to find a way to store your cut.  We will be making an order very soon, so if you would be interested please email me at  We will be ordering from for roughly $3.25/lbs which is about half the price at Whole Foods. 

━ Past WODs

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Saturday 230916

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