Bench press 5, 5, 5+ reps @ 65%, 75%, 85%
(Please enter your numbers on start page and print out worksheet)
Followed by five rounds for total reps of:
:15 seconds prowler push, 135#/95#
Rest :45 seconds
:15 seconds of weighted pull-ups, 30#/15#
Rest :45 seconds
:15 seconds of dumbell burpees, 40#/25#
Rest :45 seconds
7 reps will be added if prowler is pushed 50' in :15. If the prowler does not travel 50', no reps will be added. You must reset your prowler for the next athlete.
Post reps for all five rounds and total to comments.
Jamey sweatin' it out on 38th Ave.
What Not to Drink – By CrossFit Hollywood
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