Then, “Helen”
Three rounds for time of:
Run 400m
21 Kettlebell swings, 1.5pood/1pood
12 Pull-ups
Post time to comments or Beyond The Whiteboard.

Two Badass Events On The Same Day?!?!
That’s right folks, this Saturday is a big day at CrossFit Verve. We’re hosting two events: CrossFit For Hope and the 1st Annual CrossFit Verve Garage Sale and Swap Meet. We thought we’d make a big day out of it and host a great workout for a great cause and sell some sporting goods and exercise equipment at the same time. 10% of all proceeds (minimum donation) go to CrossFit For Hope, so it’s worthwhile to stop in and buy and sell some gear. Contact Matt or Joylyn for more info.
And in case you missed the memo (post or email), today marks day 1 of your journey towards increased time under the barbell. That’s right folks, the 5/3/1 is back!!! Mondays and Thursdays will start with a strength programming that is intended to increase your absolute strength over the next three to four months. In order to accurately follow the 5/3/1 method, please download the spreadsheet, enter your numbers on the start page, and print out your packet. This program is great for the beginner or the advanced level CrossFitter looking to maintain general physical preparedness, but increase strength levels.
Questions have arisen about whether to do Hot Dogs & Cupcakes instead of Monday’s and Thursday’s WOD’s due to the strength programming. If your goal is to focus your efforts solely on improving your powerlifting – HD&CC is for you! If you want to maintain a high level of conditioning and see some improvements in your squatting and pressing, the WOD and 5/3/1 should be your priority. The choice is yours… but you MUST COMMIT TO ONE OR THE OTHER in order for either program to be effective.