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Sunday 100529


As a team of three, complete three rounds of the following for time:

9 20m Prowler pushes, 50#/20#

45 Front squats, 95#/65#

45 Partner handstand push-ups 

All partners must complete equal number of reps in order to complete a round.  HSPU's are to be completed freestanding with partners assisting at each ankle.  One AbMat may be used as a pad.

Post team and time to comments.

Derek Stone – need we say more

Below you'll find a spreadsheet that details your strength training workouts for the next 12-16 weeks.  These workouts will be done on Mondays and Fridays and will be followed by a short metcon that compliments the muscles used for the strength WOD.  Although this program removes a bit of the "constantly varied" component from our mantra, we have decided to add it anyway in order to lay a strength base for the rest of our programming.

We know that you'll find this program rewarding in the long run, but we encourage you to only do the numbers that the spreadsheet defines for you for that day – do not jump up because the load feels light.  This is a progressive loading program that works in 4 week waves, increasing in load every wave.  Depending on the success we have with this program, we may complete up to 4 waves totaling 16 weeks.  

Please save this spreadsheet to your computer and enter your 1 Rep Maxes on the "Start Page" and print out the workbook.  That will detail your percentages for the next 16 weeks.  If you don't know your 1RM for any of the four lifts, please talk to your trainer to schedule an opportunity to gather this information.

Download 2010StrengthProgramExcel.xls (128.5K)

Saturday 100529


Five rounds for time:

5 Muscle-ups

10 Power cleans, 135#/95#

Run 220m

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Chris Slaughter working through "Snatching Bear" on Thursday.

Friday 100528


“CrossFit Total”

For max load:

Back squat

Shoulder press


For rules and more information about the CrossFit Total, read Mark Rippetoe’s CrossFit Journal article from December 2006.  It can be downloaded here.

Compare to: 100403

Post total to comments.

For those of you who were not there to witness the Verve women, here is a short snipet of how amazing they are.

Fearing the deadlift or back squat?  Who out there has had some apprehension about either the deadlift or the back squat?  Maybe you had an injury in the past or a lift that didn’t go quite right?  We are here to tell you that your fear exactly describes your need.  I know, not what you wanted to hear.  However that apprehension can be over come and your “back” can get stronger and thereby less injury prone for your future.  Ever hear of someone budging a disc while bending over?  This is not uncommon and exactly describes the need for the musculature around the back (your core) to get stronger so that it can do it’s job, stabilize those little vertebral joints.


Overcoming the fear:


Step 1, Be sure you have (or create) a kinesthetic awareness of flexion and extension of the spinal joints.  This can be aided by using the reverse hyper, GHD and of course your trainers eyes and words. 


Step 2, ENGAGE your core when lifting and use that awareness to know when you are employing safe lifting techniques, once you are not abort and abort now.  Lift at max loads only with correct mechanics.  Push threw your heels and FEEL your hamstrings pull or move the weight.


Step 3, Strengthen your core (hammies, glutes, erectors and abdominals) like it is your full time job.  Every movement, every lift, every workout, everyday!  You will be amazed at how this will change your life and your lifting.  Be aware and engage!  Think you have a strong core?  I challenge you to a month of focusing on engaging it in all movement.  Even just a few days will expose weaknesses you didn’t know you had.  I’m not kidding it WILL change your life.


Step 4, Take appropriate leaps in your lifting.  Max deadlift was 215 a month ago, don’t try 300 today!  Know when to stop.


Step 5, Take appropriate leaps in your lifting.  Max deadlift was 215, get 220 today!


There are no other more basic, nature, fundamental movements then the deadlift and the squat.  You need a capacity in these lifts to remain health and independent.  If you can not deadlift, you can not lift anything off the floor.  Nature has a habit of putting things on the ground that we need to pick up.  If you can’t squat, you will need help getting off the toilet and off the couch.    

Thursday 100527


Five rounds for max load:

5 Snatch grip push press

5 Hang power snatch

5 Snatch balance

5 Hang snatch

No rest is permitted on the ground, all reps are touch-and-go.  Dropping the bar equates to a zero for that round, so choose your load wisely.  Rest as needed between rounds.

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What do you see that is super cool in these three photos?  
If you had to pick one exercise and one exercise alone that stands out as giving the biggest bang for the buck, what do you think it would be? Let's take a few minutes to think about this one.  Think about all the exercises we do and why we do them.  Think about the nine foundational movements of CrossFit; air squat, front squat, overhead squat, shoulder press, push press, push jerk, deadlift, sumodeadlift high pull, and the medicine ball clean.  Think about the gymnastic movements, and running or rowing.  What would you choose?

Me, I would choose the snatch.  Let's break down which of the nine movements the snatch requires competency in, in order to preform; the squat, overhead squat, deadlift and the sumo deadlift high pull.  I won't add any pressing, because you are simply in need of getting under the bar, but you could argue the jerk (because it teaches you to get under a load).  So that's five of the nine movements in one.

Now which of the ten general skills are needed to preform a snatch? Power, speed, coordination, accuracy, flexibility, strength, and balance, that's seven out of ten.  Not to mention if you add multiple reps at a fast pace we throw stamina and cardio respiratory endurance into the mix.  That's one movement and nine out of the ten general physical skills, only leaving out agility. 

Did I mention it's ability to create a powerful nuro-endocrine response?  It's amazing display of athleticism when performed flawlessly?  It's ability to demand that you stabilize your midline?

So here is to snatching! If the snatch is a nemesis, break it down and work on all the smaller pieces.  How diligent were you yesterday when air squatting to make sure to have your weight in your heels, your lumbar curve maintained, your knees over the toes, your chest up and full depth? Any variance in perfection with the air squat will surely be punished in the snatch.

Wednesday 100526 ON


Four rounds for time:

Run 400m

50 Squats

Compare to July 20th, 2009

Post time to comments.


Maintain midline stability in a handstand is as difficult as with a heavy press. 

So let's talk about "core strength" for a moment, shall we?  The role that the abs and the erectors play in our body is a simple one – to stabilize your spine.  When we lift something off the ground, we utilize our abdominals and erectors to sandwich our spine in a neutral, but safe position.  Lacking strength in either of these two areas result in a potential for injury.  So why the heck don't we do more ab and low back work?

Well, to address this concern, please take a moment to think about the workout that we did on Monday – you remember: SP, PP, PJ & FS, BS, DL.  Do you remember thinking how much your low back was burning during the squats, or how difficult it was to keep your ribs down in the presses?  That's because each of these movements required midline stability, or "core strength". 

We utilize the functional movements to develop midline stability.  With that said, there is no harm in spending a little extra time before or after a WOD doing a little accessory work.  We recommend building a capacity at movements like the hip extension and the AbMat sit-up and then moving forth with more difficult movements like the back extension, reverse hyper extension, and GHD sit-up to parallel.  We'll be reviewing each of these movements during class today.

A classic CrossFit.com vid of today's WOD, featuring our own Coach Zac!

Tuesday 100525


Choose one of the following and complete for time:

Fifteen rounds:
8 Pull-ups
8 Burpees
Twelve rounds:
10 Pull-ups
10 Burpees
Ten rounds:
12 Pull-ups
12 Burpees
120 Burpee pull-ups (G.I. Jane – style)

Post strategy and time to comments to compare with others.

Welcome into the world Tenley Elizabeth June Theno at
5lbs 8oz 19 inches

Timing Rules Explained:

During our nutrition workshops we discuss the timing of your meals and associated rules.  Let's review.

First and foremost, you must eat five meals a day.  By planning ahead, scheduling your 5 meals (3 meals and 2 snacks) will make your day more structured and ensure that you are able to stay in the Zone by feeding your lean body mass the fuel it needs to run efficiently.  Relate this rule to starting a campfire and putting wood in the fire as needed (5x/day).  We're not talking about a bonfire here, rather just a simple fire to keep the camp warm and occasionally cook with.

Second, don't let more than 5 waking hours pass between meals.  To avoid becoming hungry or fatigued, you'll need to fuel your body every 5 hours with a balanced meal of high-quality protein, vitamin and mineral rich carbohydrates, and hunger-quenching healthy fats.  Think of this as adding a log to the campfire.  Without adding wood from time to time, your fire will certainly go out.

Start your day off on the right foot by eating within an hour of waking.  It's critically important to feed your muscles right away, as you've essentially been fasting for 8 hours (your are sleeping for 8 hours right?).  Before you take a shower or brush your teeth, put a pan on the stove and crack some eggs, slice some berries in a bowl and add some nuts.  Then, go about your day… fueled up!

Don't forget the importance of a post-workout snack (snack #1).  I mean, this is why you're reading this blog anyway right – you are a CrossFitter?!?  After torching your body with a sub-5minute Fran, you need to begin recovering right away.  A balanced meal of protein, carbs, and fats will satisfy not only your hunger, but also replenish glycogen stores, speed recovery of damaged muscle tissue, AND help maintain insulin sensitivity.  Without getting all caught up in the science of PWO insulin secretion – let's just say that you need to eat within 30 minutes of completing a WOD.

Lastly, don't forget to eat within an hour of bedtime.  Now, I don't mean eat your last snack while starting 2001: A Space Odyssey because that would mean that you're not actually going to bed for like… an eternity.  Eat right before bed – your starving muscles depend on it.  Without adding a log to your fire before slipping into your sleeping bag, your fire will go out part-way through the night.

By the way… the campfire is your metabolism (in case you didn't catch the analogy).  Stay tuned for more campfire analogies.  And to review… 5 meals a day, no more than 5 hours between meals, PWO meal within 30 minutes, breakfast within 1 hour of waking, and bedtime snack within 1 hour of bedtime.  Follow the rules and take the Zone to the next level.

Monday 100524


Three rounds for max reps:

:30 Shoulder press, 95#/65#
:30 Push press, 95#/65#
:30 Push jerk, 95#/65#

:30 Rest

:30 Front squat, 135#/85#
:30 Back squat, 135#/85#
:30 Deadlift, 135#/85#

1:30 Rest

During the :30 rest, men add 40# and women add 20#.  Remove weight after the deadlift.

Post reps to comments.

IPhone 144
It's time! Get off the couch and get outside.  Supplement your CrossFit habit with some good old fashioned fun in the great outdoors.  What good is all that hard work to stay in shape, if you don't go out and use it? 

Last week we began a 3-on 1-off, 2-on 1-off cycle that results in a consistent seven day schedule.  Beginning next week, we're going to start incorporating a pre-WOD strength workout that will work on a progressive percentage cycle. The pre-WOD strength days will occur on Mondays and Fridays, following a rest day.  Again, the cycle looks like this:

Mon-ON, Tues-ON, Wed-ON, Thur-OFF, Fri-ON, Sat-ON, Sun-OFF

We are providing you with this information so that you can plan ahead.  It is certainly not essential that you attend on these days.  This is simply a guideline to our programing. If you have any questions don't hesitate to chat up one of your trainers.

Sunday 100523


For time:

Row 200m
Lunge 25m

Row 200m
Broad jump 25m

Row 200m 
50 Jumping pull-ups

400m Run

Rest 5:00 minutes and complete in reverse order. 

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We love Courtney – brings a great attitude into the gym everyday!

Saturday 100522


Three rounds, 30 – 20 – 10 reps for time of:

Row (calories)

Thrusters, 75#/55#


Post time to comments.

Nicole, 6am'er during the Colfax 1/2 marathon, she knocked 10 minutes off her time.  Congrats Nicole, we are so proud of you.

Friday 100521


On the minute, complete 5 power clean & jerks (135#/85#) continuing for as long as you are able.

A penalty will be assigned to any athlete that does not complete 6 full minutes.  The penalty will be a :30 second plank hold on the minute until the last athlete has finished the WOD.

Post minutes completed to comments. 

Medicine ball fun; Joei, Sara Lew, Luke, Cherie, Slaughter, and Stef

Okay! So now can we say that summer is coming?  We would love to plan a few Verve outings.  Last summer we went rafting and what a freaking BLAST!  What does everyone want to do this year?  Post to comments.

If you are CrossFit Level 1 certified, did you know that in order to keep your certification, you need to complete a written test?  The tests dates can be found on CrossFit.com.  Sign up for one soon as they sell out FAST.  Also contact Cherie or Matt if you would like help getting prepared before the big day.