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Wednesday 100609


Complete 16 intervals of :20 seconds of work followed by :10 seconds of rest alternating "mash-up" style between thrusters (75#/55#) and parallette push-ups.

Score is the total number of repetitions of thrusters and push-ups.

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Stef rowed a 1:23 500m split during this picture.  Becky was very happy for her. 

Foam rollers offer many of the same benefits as a sports massage, without the big price tag.  The foam roller not only stretches muscles and tendons but it also breaks down soft tissue adhesions and scar tissue. By using your own body weight and a cylindrical foam roller you can perform a self-massage or myofascial release, break up trigger points, and soothe tight fascia while increasing blood flow and circulation to the soft tissues.

The superficial fascia is a soft connective tissue located just below the skin. It wraps and connects the muscles, bones, nerves and blood vessels of the body. Together, muscle and fascia make up what is called the myofascia system. For various reasons including disuse, not enough stretching, or injuries, the fascia and the underlying muscle tissue can become stuck together. This is called an adhesion and it results in restricted muscle movement. It also causes pain, soreness and reduced flexibility or range of motion.

Myofascial release is a body work technique in which a practitioner uses gentle, sustained pressure on the soft tissues while applying traction to the fascia. This technique results in softening and lengthening (release) of the fascia and breaking down scar tissue or adhesions between skin, muscles and bones.  Myofascial release has also been shown to relieve various muscle and joint pains such as IT band syndrome and shin splints as well as improving flexibility and range of motion.

Foam rollers are inexpensive and with a bit of experimentation you can target just about any muscle group.

- From Foam Roller Exercises for Easing Tight Muscles by: Elizabeth Quinn

Tuesday 100608


Three rounds for time of:
60 seconds L-sit
30 Barbell Good mornings, 45# (33#)
60 Abmat sit-ups
30 Back Extensions, 25# (15#)

For the L-sit, accumulate 60sec. For the Good mornings and Back extensions, minimize rest over speeding the movement. For the Abmat sit-up, feet unanchored with soles together.

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Who is the Verve ninja

Holly core batman!  Now is your chance to burn those erectors and abs, strengthen that back and practice what we preach.  Don't worry WOD will be scaled appropriately.

Core strength is simply our bodies ability to stabilize us under stress and load.  Mid-line stability = core strength.  The best way to "combat" injury is to continually work to stabilize your mid-line.  Today is a great day to work that weakness and begin to transform it into a strength.  A transformation that will be rewarding in ways that we will never know.  It will prevent some things from happening and make others possible. 

Monday 100607


Back squat 3, 3, 3+ @ 70%, 80%, 90%

Followed by; as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes:

5 Hang squat cleans, 70% of bodyweight

6 x 10m shuttle sprints

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Justin is a perfect example of how one can maintain a high level of fitness – despite an injury.

Injury prevention is key – no doubt.  Knowing your limitations, being diligent with warm-ups and warm-downs, as well as addressing weakness with accessory work can prevent injuries.  But, let's face it – injuries happen.  What's important is that we learn something from these set backs and become stronger because of them.

Let me give you an example that is close to home.  I have a relative who swears that she has bad knees.  Because of this belief, she avoids any and all activities that involve excessive use (flexion and extension) of that joint, leaving her prone to injury.

Unfortunately, she took a nasty spill that resulted in a hairline fracture in the tibial plateau (the top of her tibia).  After not being able to put much weight on it or bend it, that knee and the musculature that supports it has become very weak and requires months of PT.  Worse yet, she is not able to do the things that she loved to do without assistance.

This is a slippery slope that we don't want to go down.  If we acknowledge our weaknesses before they lead to injury, we can live a long and independent life filled with fun activities.  If an injury does occur – don't allow it to decrease your fitness as a whole.  Talk to your loving trainers, who will modify the workout to fit your abilites.  Starting over from scratch is no fun, neither is being injured – adapt and overcome.

Sunday 100606


For time:

21 Burpee hurdle jumps, 24"/20"
21 Ring rows
200 Row/run/jump (50 double unders)

15 Burpee hurdle jumps, 24"/20"
15 Ring rows
400 Row/run/jump (100 double unders)

9 Burpee hurdle jumps, 24"/20"
9 Ring rows
800 Row/run/jump (200 double unders)

You must complete a row, run, or jump rope option for each round.  But it is your choice which movement you want to complete each round.  You will have completed all three movements by the end of the WOD.

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Dan Young turned a weakness into a strength for the Regionals.

Saturday 100605


"Filthy Fifty"

50 Box jumps, 24"/20" 

50 Jumping pull-ups

50 Kettlebell swings, 16kg/12kg

50 Walking lunges

50 Knees to elbows

50 Push press, 45#/33#

50 Back extension

50 Wall ball, 20#/14#

50 Burpees

50 Double unders

Compare to: October 16th, 2009, March 17th 2009.

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How many of these CF Verve athletes do you not know?  Fix that – come rafting!!!

Sunday June 13th's WOD will be rafting "The Numbers" section of the Arkansas River. This trip has been organized by Lisa Ward, CrossFit Verve athlete and former river guide.  On the 13th, we'll meet in Granite (near Buena Vista) at 8:30am to be guided down a Class IV "The Numbers".  All are welcome – friends, family, and non-CrossFit Verve members alike (must be over age 16).  

Everyone that is going must call Lakota River Guides to make a deposit of $25 (total cost is $55 this is SUPER cheap, thanks Lisa).  You must call on or before June 11th in order to go on this trip.  This is another great opportunity to test your fitness, as well as meet some CrossFitter's.  We'll organize a carpool leaving from CrossFit Verve when we have a total number of attendees and we'll certainly meet for late lunch afterwards.  Last year we had 43 people go on this trip and it was truly unforgettable – let's get more going this year!

Book your spot NOW!
Lakota River Guides
(970) 476-7238

Friday 100604


Shoulder press 5, 5, 5+ reps @ 65%, 75%, 85%

Then, in 20 minutes, complete as many unbroken rounds of 12 (8) pull-ups as possible.

For percentages, see Monday's post.

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Chris Spealler with an excellent instructional vid on the butterfly kipping pull-up.

Tearing your hands hurts and can take two weeks to recover from.  So how the heck do you prevent hand tears?  Our recommendation is to build up tissue toloerance and improve grip without the aid of tape.  However, this takes time so here is our perfessional tip of the day: make reusable tape gloves that will save your hands during high rep pull-up WOD's.

First, start with a piece of tape that is more than double the length of your hand.  Fold it in half lengthwise.  Then, make a bend in it and keep the two sides as close as possible.

Tape1   Tape2 

Next, take the roll of tape and tape from the bend at the top (the finger hole) all the way to the bottom and continue halfway up the back side.  You'll want two strips for each hand, which you'll secure with a section of tape around the wrist and a section around the palm.

Tape3   Tape4 
There you have it – when you're done with your 20 minutes of pull-ups you can unwrap the wrist and palm and save the two finger strips.  These are nearly as good as gymnast straps and can be used in your next marathon pull-up WOD  Enjoi!

Now get yourself and a friend signed up to go raft "The Numbers!"

Thursday 100603



With a 32kg/20kg kettlebell:

21 Turkish get-ups, right arm

50 Kettlebell swings

21 Overhead squats, left arm

50 Kettlebell swings

21 Overhead squats, right arm

50 Kettlebell swings

21 Turkish get-ups, left arm

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Ok, so we don't normally do this…. Sunday June 13th's WOD will be rafting "The Numbers" section of the Arkansas River. This trip has been organized by Lisa Ward, CrossFit Verve athlete and former river guide.  On the 13th, we'll meet in Granite (near Buena Vista) at 8:30am to be guided down a Class IV "The Numbers".  All are welcome – friends, family, and non-CrossFit Verve members alike (must be over age 16).  

Everyone that is going must call Lakota River Guides to make a deposit of $25 (total cost is $55 this is SUPER cheap, thanks Lisa).  You must call on or before June 11th in order to go on this trip.  This is another great opportunity to test your fitness, as well as meet some CrossFitter's.  We'll organize a carpool leaving from CrossFit Verve when we have a total number of attendees and we'll certainly meet for late lunch afterwards.  Last year we had 43 people go on this trip and it was truly unforgettable – let's get more going this year!

Book your spot NOW!
Lakota River Guides
(970) 476-7238

Wednesday 100602


Three rounds for time:

15 Hang power cleans, 135#/85#

15 Burpees

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Band push-ups are the s**t

May 2010 Personal Records!


Here is a great link from Leslie.

If you no longer use the yellow pages or white pages books that are mailed to you, then there is a simple step you can take to make sure these are no longer mailed to you and lots of trees wasted. Please visit www.yellowpagesgoesgreen.org and click on the link near the top that says, "opt out." Then just fill in your information.

Grant Family Farms starts to deliver it's veggie shared this month, check it out.

Want to see some local art?  Check out an art show with our very own Josh Wrede's work.  This Thursday night at Theory and Practice Gallery, 738 Santa Fe.  Free drinks, live band and great art.  Art at 6pm, band at 8pm.

Tuesday 100601



Three rounds; 21-15-9 for time of:

Handstand push-ups

Ring dips


Compare to: April 4, 2009

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Squat mechanics in action.

CrossFit Verve – Out of the Box!!!

June 14th – August 5th, 2010
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday – AM and PM options
Cost: $400 / 8 week session ($16.66 / class)

CrossFit is constantly varied, functional movements, executed at high intensity. CrossFit consists of three different modalities; weightlifting, monostructural, and gymnastics.  "Out of the Box" will be no different – it will include a variety of functional and core strengthening workouts including squatting (front, back, overhead), pressing (shoulder press, push press, push jerk), and deadlifting (sumo-deadlift high pull, medicine ball clean).    Focus will include mechanics of movements, consistency of movements, and then intensity and of course FUN, SMILES, and LAUGHTER!!!


Because CrossFit Verve is currently at capacity in our box on 38th, this will allow all those interested in joining the opportunity to get into the best shape of your life. Once in our new space you will be given 1st opportunity to sign up for memberships and come straight into classes – no introductory classes necessary!

Don't wait – class size is limited!!!  Email us today to reserve your spot.

Monday 100531


Back squat 5, 5, 5+ @ 65%, 75%, 85%

Followed by; 

10 Sumo deadlifts, 255#/165#
25 Hurdle jumps, 24"/20"

8 Sumo deadlifts, 255#/165#
20 Hurdle jumps, 24"/20"

6 Sumo deadlifts, 255#/165#
15 Hurdle jumps, 24"/20"

4 Sumo deadlifts, 255#/165#
10 Hurdle jumps, 24"/20"

2 Sumo deadlifts, 255#/165#
5 Hurdle jumps, 24"/20"

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What the heck are these two doing?   

Below you'll find a spreadsheet that details your strength training workouts for the next 12-16 weeks.  These workouts will be done on Mondays and Fridays and will be followed by a short metcon that compliments the muscles used for the strength WOD.  Although this program removes a bit of the "constantly varied" component from our mantra, we have decided to add it anyway in order to lay a strength base for the rest of our programming.

We know that you'll find this program rewarding in the long run, but we encourage you to only do the numbers that the spreadsheet defines for you for that day – do not jump up because the load feels light.  This is a progressive loading program that works in 4 week waves, increasing in load every wave.  Depending on the success we have with this program, we may complete up to 4 waves totaling 16 weeks.  

Please save this spreadsheet to your computer and enter your 1 Rep Maxes on the "Start Page" and print out the workbook.  That will detail your percentages for the next 16 weeks.  If you don't know your 1RM for any of the four lifts, please talk to your trainer to schedule an opportunity to gather this information.

Download 2010StrengthProgramExcel.xls (128.5K)

If you or someone you know is looking to get started with CrossFit Verve, well now's your chance!  Check out the Events Page for information about a new program – CrossFit Verve Out of the Box.  Hurry, space is limited.