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Friday 100709


Floor press 3, 3, 3+ @ 70%, 80%, 90%
Please download and print your worksheet!

Then, for time:

10 Handstand push-ups
50 Double unders
8 Handstand push-ups
40 Double unders
6 Handstand push-ups
30 Double unders
4 Handstand push-ups
20 Double unders
2 Handstand push-ups
10 Double unders

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Cherie uses a belt… do you? 

A Note on the Use of Weightlifting Belts

There are many arguments for and/or against the use of belts when weightlifting.  Some argue that it provides a false sense of safety.  Others think that the use of a weightlifting belt provides a crutch that may not be available when called upon to lift a heavy object in real life.  I am of the opinion that training with a belt teaches us how to effectively use abdominal pressure to assist the erectors of the back in keeping the spine in a safe position.  I'll allow you to form your own opinion on the matter, but recommend trying a belt for a few days before passing judgement.

Here are some tips on how to use a belt safely.  First, start by finding a belt that fits your waistline.  When trying one on, relax your gut and tighten the belt around your lumbar spine and around the level of your umbilicus.  In this relaxed position, there should be some room to tighten the belt a bit.  If not, grab a smaller belt.

Now that you have your belt picked out, load your bar and get ready to lift.  The last thing you do before addressing the barbell is tightening the belt to a comfortable lifting position.  A common mistake is tightening the belt so that it compresses the abdomen, thereby not allowing you to blow your belly against it.  It should only be tightened to a snug position, where you have room to pressurize your midsection against it.  This is worth stating once more, you do NOT want to compress your abdomen with the belt.  Now lift!

Does the belt allow you to lift more weight with a stronger midsection?  Yes!  Consider this for a moment; if you practice lifting with a belt on and become incredibly strong, will you still be stronger without the belt on – right?  Also, by lifting with a belt on, we reinforce the concept of stabilizing the midline when lifting heavy – a unbelievably important concept with or without a belt on.  We got a bunch of new one's in, so feel free to use one any time.

Thursday 1000708


Clean one rep on the minute, every minute for :15 minutes

Post total load to comments.


What About Supplements?

We hear this question all the time.  Sometimes our answers are not what people really want to hear either – "fish oil and that's it."  So let me explain what I take and why and maybe that will help alleviate some of your curiosity on the subject.  

First, let me start off by saying that I do not recommend taking any supplements without visiting your doctor and having some blood work done.  Next, consider that I weigh 210# and my dietary needs may be (probably are) completely different from yours – including supplement dosage.  When trying a new supplement, start with the recommended dosage and tweak it based on your results.  Remember, more does not equate to better in the world of supplements.

Fish oil: 10-15 grams of EPA/DHA daily depending on my physical condition.  Fish oil boasts too numerous of benefits to name here.  Some of them are; decreased inflammation, increased cardiovascular health, improved brain function, and decreased incidence of depression and psychosis.  I recommend starting with 5 grams daily, spreading that dosage out over the three main meals of the day.

Creatine Ethyl Ester – 3 grams post-WOD.  Creatine is shown to increase muscular endurance, increase muscle mass and strength, and improve recovery time.  A benefit of CEE over creatine monohydrate is that it is more absorbable to the cell.  This eliminates the dreaded "creatine bloating".  Taking Creatine Ethyl Ester is a no-brainer.  The benefits will assist you on your path to elite fitness (or even moderate fitness).

Vitamin D: 5,000 IU's daily.  Low levels of Vitamin D are linked to a decrease in athletic performance, poor insulin sensitivity, increased inflammation, and a whole host of metabolic pathologies.  During the summer months, you can get adequate Vitamin D by exposing 40% of your skin to direct sunlight for 20 minutes a day.  

ZMA: 1 dose (450mg of Magnesium, 30mg of Zinc, 11mg B-6) daily before bed.  Research has shown that a ZMA supplement for athletes decreases cortisol levels in the bloodstream and boosting testosterone production.  Now, I'm not talking about women waking up with "man voices" or beards, but enough that it could benefit strength gains.  It has also shown to improve deep sleep, which benefits us with improved recovery and positive metabolic benefits.

Lastly, Whey protein: 22 grams (3 blocks of PRO).  I have a whey protein powder shake (powder in water) after every workout.  I use it as my PWO snack and I balance the meal with three blocks of carbs and three blocks of fat.  Whey has the dream amino acid profile to improve athletic performance and enhance recovery.  On the downside, it is a dairy product, making it a non-paleo food.  Who cares, it's benefits far outreach the boundaries of eating like a caveman.


Wednesday 1000707



Three rounds for time:
Run 800m
50 Back extensions
50 Sit-ups

In honor of Navy Lieutenant Michael McGreevy, 30, of Portville, NY, who was killed in Afghanistan June 28, 2005.

Last done: February 6th, 2009

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Monique GOT ENGAGED, to a fellow MBS CrossFitter.  Congrats Monique and Ben

Ride The Rockies by Heather Soistmann

Ride the Rockies is a tour around our beautiful state.  Each year it takes a different route.  This year we started in Grand Junction, rode the Colorado National Monument Sunday (elevation gain 2,500ft 45 miles, with hail snow and rain for added fun).  Monday Grand Junction to Delta via the Grand Mesa (elevation gain over 6,500ft all in one uphill over 32 miles…there was not even a slight rolling downhill days total mileage was 94 miles and also included hail, snow and rain.)  Tuesday Delta to Ouray, up hill for 67 miles (a wee bit of down hill, then elevation gain 3,500ft.)  Ouray to Durango via three mountain pass on the Million Dollar Highway, 6,500ft aprox. in 75 miles.)  Durango to Pagosa Springs about 3,200ft elevation gain, 87 miles total.  Pagosa Springs to Alamosa (4,000ft gain, 92 miles…but a supreme tail wind!)   Alamosa to Salida (gain of 1,600ft total of 84 miles.) Grand total elevation climb of close to 27,000ft…not too far off from Mt. Everest!

It was a blast!  However it was tough.  This was the hardest Ride the Rockies in it's  25 years.  Got up at 5:00am , on the bikes by 6:30ish, rode between 5-8 hours each day, total ride time.  We usually arrived in town between 4-5:00pm.  I had to attend the Medic meetings and review the days injures, then shower, dinner and bed.  Each town hosts a community dinner, has a beer garden and a local band.  It is a very fun evening, you get to meet all sorts of folks and chat about the headwind, the hills, the scenery and bikes.  The oldest rider was 83 years old, the youngest, 9 years old on a tandem with his dad.  There where 16 countries and 48 states represented (neither North nor South Dakota made it.)  The total ride was advertised to be 532 miles was actually 547.5 miles, which when most of those miles are up and above 7,000ft, makes a difference! 

Congratulations Heather.

What else have our Verve members done this summer?  

Tuesday 100706



Three rounds, 21 – 15 – 9 reps for time of:

Thrusters, 95#/65#


Compare to: October 2nd, 2009

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Bosley unable to train today, because he trained beyond his threshold yesterday

Learn From Bosley – Know When to Say When

It's a fine line between "gettin' her done" and causing an injury that will prevent you from effective training.  Is it worth it to rip your hands on a workout?  Should you always push through the pain and suck it up?  Well that depends.

Here is an example of when it is too much.  Take my three year old dog Bosley; he's in great shape, goes on walks and runs regularly, eats paleo and rests all day long.  He's doing it all the "right" way.  Well Bosley's paws have a tissue tolerance, just like our hands do.  If Bosley runs to long or far, his paws will pay the price.  He will run his heart out for as long as you run with him, even if all his pads are ripped off the bottom of his feet.  Then immediately after, he's limping and unable to even walk outside to go to the bathroom.  

Well over the years Matt and I have (somewhat) learned where that tolerance is, we try to avoid it at all cost, which means Bosley doesn't go on runs much longer then 4 miles.  Well, he doesn't really like our rules and whenever we aren't around he trys to show off to his friends that he can go as long as they can.  This weekend he went for six miles on mountain trails with his friends Riley and Leila.  He couldn't let Riley and Leila see his weak-side, so he never showed any signs of pain from the distance of running.  Low and behold his ego got in the way and what happened?  His paws ripped.  

So what is the big deal?  Unfortunately, Bosley has to stay off his feet as much as possible while his paws heal.  Knowing Bosley, once he's healed he'll try to show off again and if we don't watch him he'll end up right back with torn paws.  At this rate, he will be completing a fraction of the "training" he could be doing.  The ripping in essence in not making him tougher at all, but just the opposite.  He is constantly having to heal from this injury.  So when do you say when?

If completing a work out will prevent you from training tomorrow, it's not worth it.  Modify it so that you can still get a work out in, but not prevent further training.  Come consistently to build tolerance and if you think you may have "tweaked" something, or it's inflamed, LET IT REST, until the inflammation goes away (this usually only takes a few days).

This does not mean we're getting "soft".  On the contrary, we just want you to train smart, so that we can train you harder tomorrow.

Monday 100705


Deadlift 3, 3, 3+ @ 70%, 80%, 90%
Please download and print your worksheet!

Followed by two rounds on the 8:00 minute interval of:

Row 15 calories
21 Kettlebell swings, 24kg/16kg
Run 200m
21 Kettlebell swings, 24kg/16kg
Row 15 calories

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Constantly Varied, Functional Movements, Executed at High Intensity

These eight words are the conceptual framework on which CrossFit is built.  By following this framework, we prepare ourselves for any and everything that life has to offer. By training, we are creating a virtual ready state – ready for any task, for any duration, and in any environment.  Yet, we fail at the margins of our experience. Whether that means that you are unable to perform well because of the weather, altitude, or because our favorite lululemon shorts are dirty – we must experience everything.

This Sunday is another opportunity to vary your training.  Our swimming workshop is designed to improve your basic swimming technique through a series of skills and drills.  Our goal is to provide you with a skill set to build upon in future swimming WOD's by discussing the basics of the freestyle stroke, including body roll and recovery, breathing techniques, and the flutter kick.  Classes will be held at 8am and 9am and will run around an hour including a CrossFit swimming-based WOD.  Cost is $10 and class size will be limited each session. 

If you are unable to swim, are afraid of the water, or have not swam in years, we'd be glad to work with you during a one-on-one personal training session – but unfortunately, this event is not the time.  For this class, we assume that you are able to swim 25 yards (one lap) without stopping.  All aboard?

Register on MindBody.

"Healthy Food Obsession Sparks Rise in New Eating Disorder" – Amelia Hill

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Sunday 1000704


Rest day


Joylyn showing love for her team before an Affiliate Cup event.  

The Declaration of Independence: Written by true visionaries and revolutionaries. 

God Bless America on Her birthday!

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Saturday 100703


Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes:

5 Push jerks, 24kg/16kg

7 Box jumps, 30"/24"

Compare to: 100703

Post rounds and additional reps to comments.


Shenanigans are encouraged during pool WOD's (yes, that's Cherie).

Swimming Workshop and Workout
Hosted by CrossFit Verve at Berkley Pool 
5031 W. 46th Ave.

July 11th & 25th, August 8th & 14th 8am-10am

This workshop is designed to improve your basic swimming technique through a series of skills and drills.  Our goal is to provide you with a skill set to build upon in future swimming WOD's by discussing the basics of the freestyle stroke, including body roll and recovery, breathing techniques, and the flutter kick.  Classes will be held at 8am and 9am and will run around an hour including a CrossFit swimming-based WOD.  Cost is $10 per member ($20 for non-CFV members) and class size will be limited each session. 

If you are unable to swim, are afraid of the water, or have not swam in years, we'd be glad to work with you during a one-on-one personal training session – but unfortunately, this event is not the time.  For this class, we assume that you are able to swim 25 yards (one lap) without stopping.  All aboard?

Register on MindBody

Friday 1000702


Bench press 5, 5, 5+ reps @ 65%, 75%, 85%
(Please enter your numbers on start page and print out worksheet)

Followed by five rounds for total reps of:
:15 seconds prowler push, 135#/95# 
Rest :45 seconds
:15 seconds of weighted pull-ups, 30#/15#
Rest :45 seconds
:15 seconds of dumbell burpees, 40#/25#
Rest :45 seconds

7 reps will be added if prowler is pushed 50' in :15.  If the prowler does not travel 50', no reps will be added.  You must reset your prowler for the next athlete.

Post reps for all five rounds and total to comments.


Jamey sweatin' it out on 38th Ave. 

What Not to DrinkBy CrossFit Hollywood

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Thursday 100701


Seven rounds for time:

10 Sumo deadlift high pulls, 95#/65#

10 Ring dips

Compare to: 100422

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Sarah L. completes a 55# Snatch Bear complex (pretty easily too).

Green Tea Prevents Tooth Loss!!! – By Coach Zac

Drinking green tea may help to preserve teeth, according to a Japanese study published in Preventive Medicine.  Researchers analyzed the correlation between tooth loss and green tea consumption among more then 20,000 people between the ages of 40 and 64, and found that those who drank one to two cups daily had 18 percent less risk of loosing teeth, and those who drank five or more cups daily faced 23 percent less risk.  They also say that green tea or extracts in supplements could help against Alzheimer's disease, protect vision, reduce risk for heat disease, and some cancers.

Imagine having to gum it down with what ever you eat!Slurpees, ice cream and smoothies would be your best friend and working your way backwards on the "wellness continuum"!  The things we put in our mouths affect our energy, health, and longevity.  So hopefully all those butterfingers that built my femurs when I was younger, don't snap when all my hairs turn white!!!

Dont forget to sign up for next weekend's pool WOD.  All are welcome, including non-CrossFit Verve athletes.  We love to meet others from our little community, so come try something different.  Check out the Coming Attractions page for more info. 

Wednesday 100630


Overhead squat 1 - 15 – 1 - 15 – 1 - 15 reps.

Post loads (add all 6 totals together) to comments.

I 009 

Heels, knees tracking over feet, good back, depth, elbows just about right… but what? 

Overhead Squat Tips

Overhead squats are arguably the hardest of the squats.  The physical demands of the movement are not limited only to strength, but also flexibility and balance.  So let's discuss a couple of the points of performance of this fine movement and see if we can improve your results today.

First, set up like any other squat.  Now grip the bar with a snatch grip (minus the hook) and hold the bar overhead.  Three things that must be present in the overhead position: 1) retracted scapula, 2) active shoulders, and 3) lats engaged by posteriorly rotating the shoulder.  That third element can be a bit hard to understand, so here's a visual:

This is a good, safe overhead position.  

Note the shoulder position.  Not as safe. 

Next, let's address the mechanics of the overhead squat.  There is a tendency to initiate the movement with the knees coming forward.  Now I'm not sure if this happens because of the focus on the overhead position, but I've seen athletes with picture perfect air/front/back squats with this mechanical error.  By leading with the knees, we'll undoubtedly end up on our toes, not taking advantage of our strong posterior chain of muscles.  Remember, butt back and down, drawing the knees back and loading the hamstrings.