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Tuesday 101026



50 – 40 – 30 – 20 and 10 rep rounds for time of:
AbMat sit-ups

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Dr. Mark looks determined…..

Lets go Verve!

There are several CrossFit events going on in the region for you to partake in this fall/winter.  Whether you are competing or spectating, we would love to see you.  The CrossFit community is thriving, challenging, and most of all… FUN! 

Competitions include doing the benchmark CrossFit WOD “Grace” for Barbell For Boobs with Lululemon and CFHR on October 30th from 0800 to 1000 at Park Meadows.  Cost to participate is $35. 

The 2nd annual Emerfit Games will be held in Ft. Collins on November 6-7th. Numerous affiliates will have athletes representing, cost of competition is $40.00 which includes a t-shirt and 3 workouts.  Sign up here and don’t procrastinate as spots will sell out fast!

The Harvest Open Olympic lifting meet at Front Range.  This is a USA Weightlifting sanctioned event on November 13-14th.  Sad that you missed out on the CrossFit/USAW meet?  Then this is the event for you… come and set a PR in the snatch and the clean & jerk.

The Earn Your Turkey Challenge at MBS on November 20th.  Events include a 5k run, CrossFit total, and another mysterious WOD to be announced at the time of the event.

So get out and there, represent and have a good time!!!

Monday 101025



Ten rounds for time of:
10 Thruster, 95#/65#
10 Ring push-ups

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Ali, whose energy and smile is infectious!

Have you ever considered signing up for a CrossFit competition?  Why haven't you?  If the thought has crossed your mind, then it's time to commit yourself to it.  Why?  Because the day will come when you look back and say, "I wish I would have."  But it's not as easy as paying the fee and showing up on game day.

So what does it take?  Do you need to spend hours in the gym each day doing multiple WOD's or hours working on weaknesses?  Nah.  That's the great thing about our methodology of training; all it takes is constantly varied functional movements executed at high intensity.  Sure, if you have glaring weaknesses, they deserve a little extra attention.  But, modifying workouts to be heavier or longer will not get you the desired results.

The biggest obstacle to your success is yourself.  For instance, your diet may become what holds you back.  Maybe you aren't as consistent as you need to be in order to increase your work capacity across broad time and modal domains.  Have you forgotten the motto: mechanics, consistency, and then intensity?  All of these things will be obstacles to your training and your success at a CrossFit competition.  

What can you do to prepare yourself?  First, be consistent.  Follow a 3on/1off, 2on/1off schedule whenever possible.  Eat for health and performance: eat lean meat, veggies, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch, and no sugar and eat these in Zoned proportions.  Rest hard on off days – in other words, don't do any physical activities.  Work on weaknesses before and after classes.  Don't know what your weaknesses are or how to prioritize them? Ask a coach – we know what your weaknesses are.


Sunday 101024


Hang muscle clean 3×3, 1:00 rest between efforts 

Tall clean 3×3, 1:00 rest between efforts
In 5 attempts, reach a 1RM C&J for the day, 2:00 rest between efforts
Post loads to comments.
 IMG_0387                                 Erin back in the action!

Saturday 101023



Two rounds for time of:
24 Deadlift, 295#/185#
24 Box jumps, 24" box
24 Wallball shots, 20#/14#
24 Bench press, 195#/120#
24 Box jumps, 24" box
24 Wallball shots, 20#/14#
24 Cleans, 145#/100#

Navy Chief Special Warfare Operator (SEAL) Adam Lee Brown, 36, of Hot Springs, Arkansas, was killed on March 17th, 2010 in Komar Province, Afghanistan, in a battle against heavily armed militants. He is survived by his wife, Kelley, two children, Nathan and Savannah, and by his parents.

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"Oh my, these ring rows stink!"

Friday 101022



Three rounds for time of:
10 Ground to overhead, 95# (65#)
200 yard Shuttle sprint, 50 yards there and back twice

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J. Rookie getting it done at 6:30.

Wikipedia defines Range of Motion(ROM) as: “the distance that a movable object may normally travel while properly attached to another object.”  Seems fitting that we use the term full Range of Motion in CrossFit as it pertains to this definition.  When we talk about full ROM, we are training our muscles to perform at their fullest potential.  The only way your muscles will learn and be stronger is through full ROM.  

Lets break down the definition shall we.  

“The distance that a moveable object may normally travel”, think of this as it pertains to the shoulder press.  

“moveable object” = the bar or load

“distance” = from your shoulders to overhead.

“Normal travel” = the straight up path that your head would accommodate for by moving back and out of the way.  

“while properly attached to another object” = could be thought of as your humerus, radius, and ulna connected to your scapula and ligaments that keep the head of the humerus in the shoulder socket.

So in the world of full Range of Motion, we would want your shoulder press to start at your shoulders and move upward in as straight line and end at the top with elbows fully extended and shoulders into you ears to support the weight.  If you were to practice so-so Range of Motion, you would settle for: elbows mostly extended and no support from you shoulders.  Nay I say!  Your muscles do not want you to settle.  They want to be used from end to end.  So think of the little guys(i.e. muscle fibers) that help you achieve so much in your life, and don’t settle.  

Thursday 101021


Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:

7 Back squat, 185#/125#
10 Dumbbell Overhead walking lunges (right hand), 45#/30#
7 Burpees
10 Dumbbell Overhead walking lunges (left hand), 45#/30#

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Cecily rockin' the Verve T in front of the Taj Mahal.

Harvest Fall Weightlifting Meet hosted by FRCF
November 13th-14th

The early registration deadline is fast approaching.  The cost to register is currently $45 UNTIL MIDNIGHT TONIGHT.  On October 20th, the cost goes up to $65.  If you are planning on competing, please click here and get it done by the 20th.  There are 125 competitor slots.

This meet will be a Olympic Lifting meet, the two lifts contested are the Snatch and the Clean and Jerk.  You can enter this meet and compete as an individual or as part of your CrossFit Verve WLC.  There will be awards for each weight class, as well as awards for the top three CrossFit Affiliates.   All USAW rules will be followed, with the exception of the requirement that you wear a singlet.  If you a USAW registered lifter and would like to use the total for your official records, you must wear a singlet.

If you are lifting as a CrossFitter you must wear shorts and a t-shirt that allows the judges to see your knees and elbows.  No baggie shorts will be allowed.  You must wear appropriate footwear.  You will not be able to wear Five Finger shoes or anything like them.  

The Affiliate Competition will be contested with teams of up to eight men and seven women.   We will be using the same system that is used at the USAW/CrossFit Open to determine the winner.  Coaches must declare their teams prior to the start of the meet.

The weight classes for the men are:  
56 kg, 62kg, 69kg, 77 kg, 85kg, 94kg, 105 kg, 105+ kg
The weight classes for the women are:  
48kg, 53kg, 58kg, 63kg, 69kg, 75kg, 75+kg

You will need to declare your weight class when you register today, but you will be able to change it up to the weigh-in.  

The following weight classes will lift on Saturday:
Women's 48kg, 53kg, 58kg, 63 kg
Men's 56 kg, 62kg, 69kg, 77kg, 85 kg

The following weight classes will lift on Sunday
Women's 69kg, 75kg, 75+kg
Men's 94kg, 105kg, 105+kg

If this sounds like fun, REGISTER TODAY as the price is $45 until until midnight, then the registration goes up to $65.  We have several lifters going from Verve, so there will be plenty of support.  Post to comments if you will be lifting.

Wednesday 101020


Three rounds for max reps: 

Shoulder press, 95# (65#)

Push-press, 95# (65#)

Push jerk, 95# (65#)

Once shoulder press fails, move to push press and once push press fails, move to push jerk. Bar may not be put down during round.

Post total reps to comments.

Congratulations J. Kelly on joining the muscle up club.

Use it or lose it, why we deadlift

Lower back strength is an undeniable necessity in conditioning.  The ability to maintain a rigid lumbar spine under load is not only critical for power output but safety.  If you can deadlift 300lbs, getting a 60lb bag of dog food out of the car becomes a walk in the park.  

Deadlifting is HARD.  Many people do not like to do it or are fearful.  These are not adequate reasons not to do it, as back strength is necessary not only for preventing injury but for developing other lifts, sports and life

Tuesday 101019


Five rounds for time of:

5 Muscle-ups
10 Overhead squat, 115# (75#)
15 Toes to bar
20 Sit-ups (feet anchored)

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If only the eighties never ended

"80% of your motivation is driven by your expectations". Post thoughts to comments.

Monday 101018


Three rounds for time of:
Row 500 meters
30 Box jumps, 24" (20")
25 Deadlift, 205# (140#)

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Happy Birthday Dan, you sure know how to throw a party, it was wonderous seeing dozens of Ververs dressed in their finest 80's and 90's attire. 

Szechuan Province Chicken 

We have been tinkering with some ways to get our old favorites to fit into our paleoworld.  We added far east spices with some good ol' chicken.   



  • 2Tbs of Sesame oil  9F
  • 15oz of chicken breast, cubed  15P
  • 3Tbs Chili garlic sauce  1C (I know, I know… there is some vinegar in this sauce)
  • 2tsp of Ginger
  • 2 bell pepper strips  2C
  • 1 1/3c of chopped onion  2C
  • 4c of Broccoli  2C
  • 2c of sliced carrots  4C
  • 1 1/2c of Water chestnuts  1C
  • 1/2c of Chicken broth  Free
  • 1Tbs of Almond butter  6F
  • 2 1/4c of Cabbage  1C
  • 2 green onions  (negligible so free)
  • 4c of Spinach  1C
  • 3c of bean sprouts  1C


This is going to be a rather large meal, so have your biggest pan ready.

Steam the broccoli and carrots.  When nice and soft set aside.  

Heat the oil in a large skillet. Add the chicken, chili garlic sauce and ginger and cook for 2 minutes.  Add bell peppers, onions, and chestnuts.  Cook for 2 minutes.  Add the broth and almond butter, reduce heat and simmer for 5 minutes.  When the sauce gets thick, add green onions, spinach, and bean sprouts.  Mix and take off heat.

This is 15P, 15C, 15F  (divide as appropriate) and will be a very hearty meal that will keep you full and not hungry in an hour.  享用! (Chinese for, enjoy!)  

Szechuan Province Chicken


Szechuan Province Chicken 

We have been tinkering with some ways to get our old favorites to fit into our paleo world.  We added far east spices with some good ol’ chicken.   



  • 2Tbs of Sesame oil  9F
  • 15oz of chicken breast, cubed  15P
  • 3Tbs Chili garlic sauce  1C (I know, I know… there is some vinegar in this sauce)
  • 2tsp of Ginger
  • 2 bell pepper strips  2C
  • 1 1/3c of chopped onion  2C
  • 4c of Broccoli  2C
  • 2c of sliced carrots  4C
  • 1 1/2c of Water chestnuts  1C
  • 1/2c of Chicken broth  Free
  • 1Tbs of Almond butter  6F
  • 2 1/4c of Cabbage  1C
  • 2 green onions  (negligible so free)
  • 4c of Spinach  1C
  • 3c of bean sprouts  1C


This is going to be a rather large meal, so have your biggest pan ready.

Steam the broccoli and carrots.  When nice and soft set aside.  

Heat the oil in a large skillet. Add the chicken, chili garlic sauce and ginger and cook for 2 minutes.  Add bell peppers, onions, and chestnuts.  Cook for 2 minutes.  Add the broth and almond butter, reduce heat and simmer for 5 minutes.  When the sauce gets thick, add green onions, spinach, and bean sprouts.  Mix and take off heat.

This is 15P, 15C, 15F  (divide as appropriate) and will be a very hearty meal that will keep you full and not hungry in an hour.  享用! (Chinese for, enjoy!)