Wednesday 190619




Every 4:00 x 7
9 Bar facing burpees
12 Power cleans 115#(75#)
30 Double unders

*Rest remainder of time
*Scores are slowest and fastest rounds

Post to BTWB


Sandbag Hang Power Clean
Ring Dip
rest 5 min
1500m Row
rest 5 min
5m Amrap
10 TTB / K2E
10 Box Jumps


With a partner:

Row 6K for time.

Break it up however you want, but goal is to row 2K pace or under the whole time.



Image result for blue dinosaur bars

Reminder that tonight Fit Republic Meals will be in the gym for the evening classes to hand out some free meals and let you guys try some of their offerings.  Tomorrow night, Blue Dinosaur Protein Bars will be here.  They will have samples of their protein and paleo bars for you guys to try.  They will be here in the evening as well.  Sorry morning classes, I’ll try and get someone to come in early for us.  

━ Past WODs

Wednesday 240320

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Wednesday 240103

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Sunday 230917

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Saturday 230916

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Friday 230915

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