3 Rounds of:
With a 2:00 clock
10 Medball cleans 20#(14#)
With the remaining time, row for max distance.
Rest 2:00 between rounds
After the 3rd round rest a total of 5:00 and then,
3 Rounds of
With a 2:00 clock
10 Kettlebell swings 35#(26#)
With the remaining time, as many 10 meter shuttle sprints as
Rest 2:00 between rounds
After the 3rd round rest a total of 5:00 and then,
3 Rounds with 1:00 of rest in between each round
20 Mountain climbers
2 Wall walks
10 Box jump overs 24″”(20″”) (clear the box on each jump)
10 Push ups
Scores are total distance rowed for part 1 and total meters run for part 2
Post to BTWB
3 rounds
400m Run
18 DB Snatches (9/9) 50/35
12 DB Push Jerks
6 Chest to bar Pull Ups
rest 3:00 b/w rounds
500 Meter Row
Rest 3:00
1000 Meter Row
Rest 5:00
1000 Meter Row
Rest 5:00
500 Meter Row