Wednesday 181010



CrossFit Open Workout 14.1

As many rounds as possible in 10:00 minutes of:
30 Double unders
15 Power snatch 75#(55#)

Post results to comments or BTWB

Throwback to a themed workout from the 2018 CF Open!! Trevor in a Superman suit because…… why not!


Why, in the name of CrossFit, do we repeat these REALLY hard workouts? While we will be repeating a CF Open workout from 2014 today, the following exerpt from a post by CrossFit Evolve does a great job explaining why we redo some of these benchmark workouts. You can see the original post here

Today we get to test your go. In 2016 we visited a series of benchmark workouts regularly throughout the year. Fran was one of them. The last time was in September. If you’ve been consistent these benchmark workouts have given you some data points over the year. Though difficult to PR every time, our hope is that throughout the year, even with peaks and valleys of performance, we’re able to see an upward trend in individual performance. What’s that mean? You either completed the work faster, or you had a slower time but have moved to the RX movements and/or weights. Both of those indicate improvement. 

These benchmarks are important for you as the athlete. By completing and comparing these workouts regularly they can demonstrate improvement. Improvement in strength, in skill like with a kipping pull-up or handstand push-up, in movements like going to RX or hitting full depth on the squat, and in overall fitness. Work capacity is FORCE X DISTANCE divided by TIME. So all things being equal, like the weight you use for the thruster and the length of your arms (distance) and bodyweight for the pull-up, decreasing the time you accomplish the workout versus previous attempts demonstrates an increase in work capacity. We are measuring an increase in fitness. And this is where it’s at! We have to prove to you that the hard work you put in is paying off. Once of the ways to do that is by repeating these benchmark workouts. So when you see the workouts with a name pop up like today, make it a priority to get in and get after it. Your reward – besides for a great workout – is the proof that what you’re doing is working!

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