For time:
1500m Row
800m Run
50 Burpees
800m Run
1500m Row
Post Results to BTWB.
Alright guys, this week and the following Wednesdays we will be dedicated to you all getting to know the people you all workout with every day. This week is dedicated to the one and only Monica Lubbert. Take sometime out of your day and read all about this fantastic woman.
Hometown? North Plainfield, NJ
Age? 42. Will be 43 on Nov 30th
Occupation? Oracle ERP Consultant
What do you like to do in your free time?
I enjoy cooking, gardening, and generally hanging out with my family. But my free time is coming to the gym.
How long have you been a member at CrossFit Verve?
I started working out at CrossFit Verve in June 2012 (I think).
What is your background in sports and fitness?
I have never been a natural athlete. I did sports in High School because I had to. I played Tennis because it was the least amount of running. I played doubles and actually ran more than I wanted to. I didn’t really get into sport/fitness until my early 30’s. Since then I played in an adult softball league, I’ve run lots of half marathons and now CrossFit. I can’t live without sport/fitness in my life now.
What changes have you seen in your body, health and fitness since starting CrossFit?
I’m very serious about health and fitness. It’s so important. I strive to eat healthfully, mostly paleo and I’ve recently been trying to get into the gym on a more consistent schedule. Well, for those of you that have seen me go through 2 pregnancies, my body has definitely gone through lots of changes. All I can say is that this is an area that I am super focused on. I have goals and aspirations and I’m working on it.
Has CrossFit influenced your life outside of the gym? If so, how?
Everything I do is based on what I’ve learned in the gym. My eating habits and fitness priorities are so influenced by what the trainers have taught over the years and what I continue to learn every time I walk in the doors. It’s such a big part of my life, so yeah, it influences a lot.
What’s your favorite benchmark workout?
I don’t have one. Whatever the workout, I come in there and give it everything I have.
Any advice for someone just starting?
It’s easy to start and get caught up in trying to lift the heaviest weight or finish the WOD in the fastest time. I did when I started and I would stare at the whiteboard and I would be last, all the time. But ultimately, Verve is more than the whiteboard. It’s the community of people who gather around you and encourage you to work hard and do your best. It’s the amazing (and I mean, amazing) trainers that we have who help us focus on our technique and our skills. I would say, work at a pace that is suitable to you, don’t overdo it. Listen to your body, learn from the coaches, and work on your heath and fitness. It’s took me a good while to get to that point and I still do banded pull-ups, after all these years.