4 Rounds, starting a new round every 4 minutes:
Run 400 with a medball 20#(14#)
Rest remainder of time until next round starts
Post Results to BTWB.
In case you haven’t heard, our very own, Dr. Daniel Pope has released a new product with Power Monkey Fitness.
What is this product? It’s an E-Book called “Monkey Method: Movement Essentials” and it is targeted to those who are trying to fix inefficiencies in movement with high skill gymnastics and the olympic lifts.
Dr. Dan Pope and Dr. Dave Tilley have been lecturing at power monkey camp for the past several years in an attempt to help coaches and athletes learn how to assess movement and more accurately provide corrective interventions to improve technique. They’ve spent the past several years troubleshooting all of the above mentioned problems and have come up with a solution.
Dave and Dan have created a system geared toward breaking down movement problems in the olympic lifts, muscle-up and handstand. When you have an athlete standing in front of you that has trouble moving well, where should you begin? Should we use a cue? Do we need to do more mobility? If so which mobility exercise? Which joint is causing the problem? How many exercises do we need? How long do I need to spend mobilizing? Maybe they have both a strength and control issue? It’s complicated.
If we aren’t accurately assessing our athletes, then we’re just guessing. Chances are we aren’t being very accurate or efficient.
We created this product to help coaches and athletes learn how to assess their athletes and give them the most appropriate exercise to improve their technique. This way we can be much more efficient and helps our athletes progress optimally.
Check out more about Dr. Dan Pope’s guide at www.fitnesspainfree.com. There is a ton of valuable information here with plenty of testimonials from some of the best coaches in the fitness world. Have a look for yourself!