For time:
21-15-9 Push press, 135#(95#)
7-5-3 Muscle-ups
Post times to comments and BTWB

Well folks, I’m certain you came to the blog hoping for another informative article highjacked from the internet by your’s truly. . . but that is not what you will get today. Today and tomorrow’s post I would simply like to dedicate to those that helped out this weekend. I’m calling you all out by name!!
To the many companies and people that donated for our top team finisher prizes and raffle prizes:
Progenex– Matt Marshall and Justin Ratliff
SFH– Matt Aporta and Keith McReynolds
RX Bar– Peter Rahal
Suerte Tequila– Kirk Warner
Fuel For Fire– Mark Neville
Kill Cliff– Josh Haskins
The Cassette Company– Austin Clift
Genesis Performance & Recovery– John Lewis
Monument Gear– Steve Williams
MyaTherapy– Jason Thompson
Progressive Paleo– Ramsey Lowe
Rogue– Matt Chan
Brute Force Training– Justin Eberle
STAKK’D– Matt Conti
Lift Heavies– Kadir Suleymanoglu
Living Love Mindfulness Medicine– Dr. Diane Mueller
Smith Sunglasses– Jake Pedziwiatr
Great Divide Brewery
OSO Barbell Collars
To the many Verve members/ Verve family that gave of their time:
Stephanie Missey
Scotty Lefbvre
Nate Rader
Sarah Sullivan
Steve Fox
Paul Buono
Kacey Kingry
Shaina Jordan
Jay Cain
Gabrielle Kulesza
Cat Potts
Emily Abernathy
Adam Rozier
Leslie Tyson
Charles Buscemi
Mike Cain
Leslie Smith
Leslie Fry
Jen Kates
Bill Chan
Michelle Wilson
Lexi Zadak
Daniel Huff-Hannon
Jen Rutt
Jason Rutt
Brendan McManus
Matt Franco
Matt Duckett
Jason Allison
Thank You!!!