As many rounds as possible in 3 minutes of:
30 Double unders
10 Box jumps, 24″(20″)
10 Push press, 95#(65#)
Rest 2 minutes
Repeat 2 additional times
Post rounds to comments and BTWB

Over the last few weeks some of you have had the opportunity to meet Paul. Paul recently moved to Colorado and has become the newest member of Verve’s training staff. We are excited to have him and his wealth of knowledge about all things CrossFit, injury recovery, and how to handle living with Clancy. If you have not yet had the chance to meet him, here’s a little background on Paul:
Hello All,
My name is Paul Buono and I want to play two truths and one lie, so here we go:
• I have been coaching CrossFit for the past four years.
• I am Eric Clancy’s first cousin.
• I recently was a member of team CrossFit Milford, which took 2nd at the 2015 CrossFit Games.
So, now that you all know that Eric and I were pretty much separated at birth, I’m here to introduce myself. Some may recognize me as the creepy shirtless guy walking around Verve the past couple weeks or riding the Assault Bike in a corner by myself, while others may recognize me from past summers.
“The Matt Chan” was my first remote coach. When I was in college at Penn State. I would come out and train to either get ready for a regional event or just to come and do some exercise and hang. During these visits, I fell in love with Denver and Verve. Since then, it has been my goal to move out here.
I recently moved from Milford, CT where I lived and coached for the better part of 2015. Before then, I was a Civil Engineer for the United States Army Corps of Engineers in Philadelphia and coached part time at CrossFit Center City.
Over the coming weeks, I will be doing a bunch of part-time coaching and “second-manning”. During this time it would be super awesome if people would keep coming up and introduce themselves to me! I’ve already met a ton of awesome people and would really like to get to know the whole gang a little better.
With this, I will also be doing some personal training for any one that is interested in that type of thing. Over the years of competing in various regional events and most recently the 2015 CrossFit Games, I have had the opportunity to deal with some pretty radical injuries. The two doozies that I’ve dealt with are both a Bankart and SLAP tear in my left shoulder and as of recently two bulging discs, one in my L4-L5 and one in my L5-S1. During this time I’ve gotten to know some pretty good tips and tricks to keep training and eventually get back to doing CrossFit as prescribed.
It has been quite the journey and learning experience. Along with the experience gained, I have had the privilege of getting to work with some of the best coaches in the game. I would love to help share what I have learned, whether you are interested in refining skills, help with working around injuries or just looking for some more individualized attention, I’d love to help. Some of my certification and seminars include:
• CrossFit Level 1
• CrossFit Level 2
• CrossFit Endurance
• CrossFit Weightlifting
• CrossFit Gymnastics
• Power Monkey Fitness Camp 4.0
• OPEX: Assessment and Program Design
If there is anything else you would like to know just e-mail me at