As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
Calorie row, 15(10)
10 DB thrusters, 40#(25#)
20 KB swings, 16kg(12kg)
40 Double unders
1 Rope climb
Post rounds and reps to comments and BTWB

What is the CrossFit Games Team Series? And how can I get all up in that?
The Team Series is a fun competition started last year following the CrossFit Games. In a structure similar to the CrossFit Games Open, the Team Series tests the fitness of four-person teams, two men and two women.
Starting the week of September 8th, CrossFit will announce a series of workouts. Every team will have 6 days to complete all the workouts and post their scores. Just like the Open, the workouts need to be judged by individuals that took, and passed, the judges course during the Open this year. . . and you thought you would never use that certificate again. Or your team can video tape the workout and submit the video to be scored and validated online.
The second series of workouts will be posted the week of October 6th, again giving teams another 6 days to complete the workouts and submit scores. That’s it folks. 1 week per month for the next 2 months to ignite your competition bug and just have a fun time working out next to some good friends.
Just like the Open, teams will be able to choose between two versions of each workout: Rx’d or Scaled. Doing the scaled version of one workout does not mean you cannot do the RX version of a different workout. This year there will also be 3 divisions: Open (all ages), Teenage (14-17) and Masters (40+). The 10 fittest teams at the end of the series will earn a piece of the US$151,000 prize purse.
I’m certain you will have more questions about who can be on teams, how the RX vs scaled division works, etc. For the rulebook (that contains all the necessary information) and to get a team registered, click here. Registration is $80 per team. If you get signed up, put your team info in the comments so we can start keeping track.
**Verve is closed again this weekend for a Level 1 Seminar. Verve will have a 7am WOD on Saturday and Sunday morning only. CrossFit Lodo has been nice enough to open their doors to Verve athletes this weekend at no cost, to attend their WOD. I will post a sign up sheet tomorrow at the front of Verve with these class times. Please sign up under the class time you plan to attend so that we may give CrossFit Lodo a head count.
**Monday is Labor Day. Verve will have an abbreviated schedule. Please look on MBO and reserve your spot in class before they fill up.