5 Rounds for time of:
Calorie row, 20(15)
50 Double unders
15 Burpees
Post times to comments and BTWB
All things Paleo coming at ya!!!
Verve’s 2nd event in it’s Summer Nutrition Series is a Paleo Pop-up @ Verve on Saturday July 18th from 2:30pm-4:30pm. What in the world is a Paleo Pop-up you ask? It is an expo of Denver-area Paleo friendly businesses, chefs, products, and ancestral health-minded service providers committed to building a healthier, stronger, and more connected community. These people live and work in the Denver Metro area and want to introduce you to their products and services. These vendors include:
- White Buffalo Kitchen
- Colorado Cider Company
- Haiku Foods
- Cynthia Farris, fermentationist
- Mmmm…Coffee
- Paleo Dave, personal chef and cooking teacher
- Lindsey Taleff, personal chef
- Cappellos
- Clara Wisner, rEvolutionary Lifestyle
- True Human Health
- And more. . .
The Paleo Pop-up will start at 2:30pm and provide you with an hour of walking around, meeting vendors, and learning about their products/ services. Starting around 3:30pm we will have Verve’s own Maddie Berky and Clara Wisner tag team a nutrition lecture titled “Understanding Your Workout and How to Eat for Workout Recovery”. Together they will discuss what exercise does biochemically in your body and the stress response, along with what specific nutrients can help with recovery and how to get them from food.
If you have ever wanted to understand more about the Paleo diet, how what you eat effects more than just your weight, and how we can use food as a way to recover from our grueling workouts, this is a 2 hour event made just for you. There will be plenty of samples provided as well, so you can get a taste of how good eating clean can really be.
This event is open to the public, bring your friends and family, there is no cost. As an added bonus we will also have Teton Waters Meat Truck out front of Verve from 11am-2pm. You can load up on all the grass fed beef you want before you get some great ideas on what you can do with it. We are beyond excited to have all these wonderful people hanging out at Verve ready to share their knowledge with you, all you have to do is stop on by and take a listen.