Wednesday 150114



5 Rounds for time:
9 Deadlift
6 Hang power snatch
3 Overhead squat
*Weight for all 3 movements is the same, 65% of 1RM snatch

Post rounds to comments and BTWB

Brothers don't shake hands. Brothers do Arnold Press together. Guy and Patrick are some dedicated Hotdogs and Cupcakers.
Brothers don’t shake hands. Brothers do Arnold Press together. Guy and Patrick are some dedicated Hotdogs and Cupcakers.


It’s getting to be that time of year again, CrossFit Games  Open time!!! All info presented by Courtney Shepherd

That’s right folks, we are only a few weeks away from the start of the 2015 CrossFit Games season. Some of you already know, you’ve been counting down the days since last season, and some of you are new to this whole thing. I want to give you all a run down of how this will play out this year, very specifically the CrossFit Verve Team. Registration for the Open starts tomorrow, January 15th. Anyone and everyone can sign up to participate, even if you are new to CrossFit. Participation in the Open can act as a yearly benchmark to track progress, plus it tends to be a bit of fun. The cost to register is minimal, in past years it has been $10. When you do register, be sure to pick CrossFit Verve as both your affiliate and team.

The Open workouts will be posted on Thursday evening at 6pm starting February 26th. There will be a new workout every week for 5 weeks. We (CrossFit Verve) will be hosting the Open WOD on Friday as the daily workout. If you are registered for the Open, then that will be your opportunity to complete the workout. If you are not registered for the Open, then that will be your time to do a workout. The Games will be introducing a new scaled division for the Open competition. This division will have lighter weights and less technical movements. Depending on which division you sign up for will depend on how you perform the workout. Again, if you are not registered for the Open, you will do the workout in a manner that best suits your needs, just like any other day.

In the past we have made the Open Gym time on Saturday afternoon be a time for those who missed Friday to make up the workouts. We will change that this year, as it made Open Gym time a difficult time for those simply wanting to do their own workouts. Instead, from 1:30pm – 2:30pm on Saturdays, we will host 2 heats to make up the workout. If you intend to make up the workout you must be at Verve before 1:30, please do not show up at 2pm and tell us you would like to go in the 2nd heat. EVERYONE has to be ready to go at 1:30pm and we will pick heats then. If you show up after 1:30pm, we will not let you participate in the event. We will also be available to you on Monday during open gym from 1:30pm-3pm for last minute make-ups or repeats. That is it. If absolutely none of those times work for you to get the workout done please email me only,, so I can make a plan for you.

If you sign up for the Open, this tells us that at some point in time you will need someone to judge your workout. Well then you should be prepared to return the favor. We ask that if you sign up for the Open you also sign up to take the online judge’s course. Yes, it can take a bit of time, however the cost is $10 the first time around and free every year after, and it gives you the best understanding of how you will be judged during the Open and how to judge others. The judging process is a crucial part of the Open. You have from now until February 26th to complete it, that’s a lot of time to take a test.

As far as the CrossFit Verve team goes, with the changes in the regions this year only the top 15 teams will move on to Regionals. As a result we will only focus on making 1 team to take a crack at one of those 15 spots. Eric and myself will choose the 6 members of the team and the 2 alternates (4 men total and 4 women total). We will choose based off two things:

1) Placement based on 10 total workouts. *We will post an additional workout per week along with the Open workouts. As it gets closer we will let you know what day it will be posted and when to have it completed by. Between the 5 Open workouts and our 5 workouts we will rank those who participated.

2) Along with the ranking we will also be picking the team based off the ability to meet specified requirements. We have created a list based off previous years Regionals, a list of weights and movements that have a high probability to show up. To be on the Regional team you need to be able to perform these lifts/ movements. Here is the list:

Gymnastics (must be consistent in unbroken sets)
HSPU 15(10) *male(female)
Strict HSPU 10(5)
Muscle-up 5(3)
Chest to bar pull-up 12(8)
Pistols 25(25)
Rope climbs 5(5)
Handstand walk 10′(10′)
Toes to bar 15(10)

Weights (must be consistent in in unbroken sets of 5-10 reps)
Deadlift 275#(185#)
Snatch *squat and power 135#(95#)
Clean *squat and power 225#(135#)
Shoulder to overhead 160#(105#)
Thruster 135#(95#)
Overhead squat 185#(115#)

Between the placement from the Open, as well as the athlete’s ability to meet the above requirements, Eric and I will pick the team following the Open. Meaning that a first place finish in the 10 WODs will not guarantee a spot on the team if you cannot also meet the additional requirements. 

This is a lot of information, especially if this is the first time experiencing the Open. Which is why I will be hosting a meeting at Verve to explain the Open process a little further, as well as answer any questions/ concerns anyone may have. From how those Friday classes will be run, to how to judge or be judged, what to do on Saturdays, what to do with a score, should I do the RX division or scaled, what does each division mean, etc. This meeting will be at Verve on Tuesday the 20th at 8:15pm.

I know I’m making this sound all business, and to a degree when the Open starts it will be a lot of business, but it is also a lot of fun. The business part comes from making sure we uphold the ideals, the standards, and the spirit of the CrossFit Games. But we also remember that part of the spirit of the Games is simply pushing ourselves as hard as we can and cheering each other on in the process. So suit up ladies and gentlemen, it’s game time.

*The Open is not just about being on the team, it’s about pushing yourself and seeing the results of your hard work. If you want to participate in some Open specific prep, the Competitor’s Course starts this week, the first WOD is Wednesday night at 7pm. If you want to get signed up please email, the cost is $99. The drop dead date to register is Wednesday the 14th at 5pm. 

**Verve athletes, if you want ATP Mechainx Pre ($65) and Post ($55) WOD supplements, we will do a pre-order for them. Please e mail Danni,, by Tuesday the 20th at 9am. 

━ Past WODs

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