Four rounds, each for time:
Row 500m
Rest 3:00 minutes
Post times to comments and BTWB.

What’s Next for Verve’s Rowing Program – Maddie Berky
You’ve heard the oh so soft whirring of fans (and the not so soft guttural voice of yours truly) over the clattering of barbells. You’ve seen one too many people actually looking excited when rowing shows up on the board. What’s going on?! Rowing. That’s what.
With the Power Rowing Challenge in the books, where is Verve’s rowing program headed next? VO2Max my friends! With the solid presence of the barbell club, the ever-approaching CrossFit Open, and the Mile High Sprints right around the corner some serious bang-for-your-buck cardiovascular work is in order. Enter a 2k cycle on the ergs. It will be marvelous.
Here’s how it’s going to go: this Thursday will be 2k number 1 in order to establish a pace for the next 5 weeks of our VO2Max/2k Prep cycle and then we will retest Thursday, January 23rd. Every Thursday for these 6 weeks will be 2k work and every Sunday will be a long day (5000m plus.) (Note: even if you miss this first 2k you can still jump into the cycle, so don’t let that be your excuse for not coming to class.)
We are also using this cycle as a build-up to Mile High Sprints on February 1st, which is an indoor rowing championship here in Denver. There is a team sprint event, and our goal is to send several teams and to win the grand prize of an erg!
Not only will this cycle be a great compliment to the barbell club leading up to the Open, but what better time than the heart of winter to dial down your rowing? If every time you get off the rower and your arms are wrecked, your hamstrings are spent, and/or your soul is crushed then come to rowing and let’s’ figure that business out stat!
*You can of course jump into class at any point over this cycle, but you’ll see the most benefit from consistently throughout the cycle.
Rowing at Verve: AKA: the best kick in the pants you can get while seated.