For time:
Row 20 calories
30 Burpees
Two-arm dumbbell ground-to-overhead, 40 reps (40#/25#)
50 Toes-to-bar
100 ft. overhead walking lunge (45#/25#)
150 ft. sprint
Post times to comments and BTWB.

Rowing Power Challenge Wrap-Up | Maddie Berky
Most Improved Max Power Test:
- First Place: Jason Allison (test 1: 760w / test 2: 920w = 160 watts improvement!)
- Second Place: Ed Vazquez (test 1: 753 / test 2: 886w = 133 improvement!)
- Third Place: Ted Buras (test 1: 607w / test 2: 708w = 101 improvement!)
Most Improved 15 MIN Test:
- First Place: Susanna Von Fange (test 1: 2:20.7 / test 2: 2:11.6 = 9.1 split seconds!)
- Second Place: Chris Laycheck (2:09.6 to 2:00.6 = 9.0 split seconds!)
- Third Place: Monica Lubbert (2:30.1 to 2:22.5 = 7.6 split seconds!)
Most Point Accumulated:
- Ted Buras: 55 points!
- Jason Allison: 52 points!
- Susanna Von Fange: 49 points!
- *athletes got 1 point for every WOD and 2 points for each specialty class
If you’ve ever seen me jump rope, or sprint, or pretty much attempt to do anything nimble with me feet then you’ve realized its preeetty obvious why I was a rower. Besides the decisive lack of any sort of ball, the beauty of rowing is that it comes down to your willingness to do the work. Bam. There are of course naturally gifted rowers (AKA: jerks,) but even without genetic ability or an extensive background in the sport, if you put in the work on that seat – you will get faster. It’s all about taking strokes. Lots of them.
We started the Rowing Power Challenge 9 weeks ago, and since then people have taken a crap load of strokes. And people have gotten a lot faster, and stronger, and generally more bad ass (an added plus to rowing: general bad-assery…) I’m of course biased in my love of that machine, but there is something extremely vulnerable about sitting down on a seat. The movement won’t change. The stimulus stays the same. The only thing that changes are those numbers, and oh man do you have to fight for those changes. Such simplicity exposes a lot about a person. It shows us where we are solid and were we falter. It asks us the question again and again if we are strong enough, committed enough to withstand discomfort. And yet, such vulnerability always opens up space for change. Sure, it exposes our weakness, but it likewise creates a unique opportunity to relish in our strengths. That machine has a knack for showing us what we are made of and who we can become.
Phenomenal work across the board to all you rowers! I so enjoyed watching you grow on that machine and beyond it. Can’t wait for all the strokes still to come!