Back Squat:
5 – 5 – 5 – 5 – 5
Then two max-rep sets of back squats at 50% of your five-rep-max.
Post weights to comments and BTWB.

Free Nutrition Workshop at Verve on Friday, November 8 at 6pm. Sign up on MBO!
Questions About the New Oly Cycle
I wanted to take a moment to address some of the questions I’ve received concerning the new Oly Cycle.
- I’m a CrossFit neophyte. Should I do this new Oly Cycle?
The short answer is… yes. We won’t turn anybody away. Here’s the thing to remember though: It’s going to be a fast moving class. There won’t be a warm-up (you will expected to be warmed up), and there won’t be a lot of instruction on the movements. There will be correcting, but not a formal teaching of the movements like we normally have in classes. So, if on day 1 of the cycle, the trainer says, “All right guys, we’ll be doing sets of five hang snatches, then we’ll move to sets of ten of back squats and half-squats. Finally, we’ll end with sets of five strict shoulder presses right into push presses.” Would that leave your head swimming? Do you know the difference between a shoulder press, push press, and push jerk? Do you know the difference between a hang snatch and hang power snatch? If not, shoot me (Luke) an email. If your head would be swimming, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be taking the class. It may just mean that you might feel a little overwhelmed with terminology and movement until you catch up. In that case, the class would be more skill oriented than heavy-weight oriented. Meaning, we can’t in good conscience let you load yourself up with super heavy weights with a movement you’re still learning how to perform proficiently. Make sense?
- Do I need to make it to all four classes a week?
Well… Do I want you to commit and show up to all four? Yes. Do I realize that this may not happen? Yes. Keep in mind that this is a designed Olympic Cycle, meaning that every day has a specific point has focus. Mondays and Fridays are the heavy days, and will have different movements included therein. Tuesdays and Wednesdays will be speed, or lighter dynamic effort days. Different days may have different accessory work to help build up to previously unseen heights of strongly-ness. So, I have a tough time answering this question. I think you should commit to all four classes a week. I won’t force you to though, nor will I give you a hard time if you don’t. If anything, I’ll have Joylyn, Clancy, or Courtney give you a hug.
- Will the programming be posted anywhere on the interweb?
Yes. Stay tuned, and we’ll post a link to the Hotdogs and Cupcakes website where it will be posted.
- Do I have to compete in the Colorado Open in February?
- Do I need to sign up for each individual class?
- When does it start? When?! WHEN?!?!?
It starts on the 11th of November. The week of the 11th will a be a trial run, of sorts. It will help both coaches and athletes get used to the format and how the class is run. The cycle truly begins in earnest on Monday, November 18th.
I hope this helps. If there other unanswered questions, please email them to Thanks!