For time:
Run 800 meters
20 Push press 135#(95#)
Run 800 meters
35 Push press 115#(75#)
Run 800 meters
50 Push press 75#(55#)
Post times to comments and BTWB.

Introducing the Verve Barbell Club
Starting November 11th, there will be a programming change at CrossFit Verve. All Olympic Lifting classes and Hotdogs and Cupcakes classes will be replaced with a new Olympic Lifting cycle. On February 15th, 2014, the Colorado Weightlifting Open will be held in Colorado Springs. We will be implementing a weightlifting cycle that would lead us to that date as well as the 2014 CrossFit Games Open. How exciting! If you are interested in being in the Colorado Weightlifting Open, it would require you to register as a USAW member. You can do this by checking on this link. The cost would be 50-55$ depending on your age. However, you do not have to be competing in the Open to take the class. Here are a few details to keep in mind about the class:
- The format of the class would be run similar to how Hotdogs and Cupcakes is run now. Meaning, the expectation is that you would already be warmed up. There will be a lot of material to cover in one hour, and you will have to be ready to go.
- You will need a basic knowledge of the movements held therein. There will be a lot of correcting during the class, but not a lot of teaching. So, here are some terms to familiarize yourself with: back squats, 1/2 squats, shoulder press, straight-leg deadlifts, muscle snatch, behind-the-neck press with a snatch-width grip, hang snatch, hang clean, and the difference between squat cleans/snatches and power cleans/snatches.
- It will be a 12-week cycle. However the week before it officially begins, we will be doing a test run of the class. All movements will be done with sub-maximal weights. The idea is that it will give both athletes and trainers an idea of how the class will flow, as well as how quickly to move, or how much time we will able to devote to each movement. It is highly recommended that if you are interested in working through the cycle, you attend this first week. That way, when the cycle officially starts the following week, everyone can hit the ground running.
- The schedule will run as follows: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday at 5:30am & 5:00 P.M. This will be taking the place of the Tuesday 5:30am Endurance Running class during the winter months. We will continue to have separate Endurance Running Clinics each month as weather permits. Additionally, the Friday 10am Olympic Lifting class will remain with the new name.