Bench press
Followed by for quality:
30 Straddle press to handstand
Post results to comments and BTWB.

2013 Roots Spring Weightlifting Meet
So, I got the low-down on the Oly Meet coming up, and wanted to give you the info. First of all, no singlets required. Doesn’t that just… just make you feel better? It makes me feel better. Basically, it’s not USAW sanctioned, so come as you are. Secondly, there are going to be two meets. One in the spring, and one later in the year. If you pay for both meets, you get a discount. Holla!!!
- Meet 1: Saturday, April 6th at CrossFit Roots. Registration begins at 10:00 A.M. You can find details here, and then click on “EVENTS” near the top of the page. The entry fee is $20.00, and registration closes on March 30th. Lifting begins at 11:00 A.M.
- Meet 2: Will be held on July 13th, again at CrossFit Roots. Cost would again be $20.00. Specific times have not been released yet.
If you’re worried about your level of lifting and whether you will belong, then relax. I mean, this is Boulder. Hippies love everybody (if someone from Roots reads this, I’m totally kidding!!… Maybe.)!! Seriously though, I performed at this competition last year, and folks from all levels of lifting competed. So, this would be the one to try if ever you had thought about trying one. Plus, if you sign up for the Spring Meet, the July meet would be 50% off. At those prices, you can’t afford not to sign up. I mean, with all the money you’d be saving, you could by that new car you’ve been wanting, or put a down payment on your house… The possibilities are endless.
In summary, your entire life will improve by signing up for this event. Email if you have any concerns.