As a team of Four
For time:
30 GHD sit-ups
30 Deadlift, 225#(155#)
30 Double-unders
30 Overhead squat, 95#(65#)
30 Pull-ups
Post team time to comments.

7pm: Nutrition lecture
If you’ve seen the lecture and just want to come for the Program details show up at 8pm.
The 2012 Verve Nutrition Program is designed to replace the familiar “Nutrition Challenges” as a more effective way to support our members in living happy and healthy lives. The program focus is to establish a support system for individuals wanting to make paleo/zone eating a permanent part of their lifestyle. Meetings will consist of information on nutrition, healthy lifestyle habits, and group discussion. The program will be kicked off with a 2 hour meeting starting with the traditional “Nutrition Lecture”. The second hour will include an introduction to the Nutrition Program with details about the program and participation. Time will then be allotted for questions. Participants will then sign up for their hour long Personal Nutrition Coaching session.
Personal Nutrition Coaching will take place in the 2 weeks following. During the session, we will obtain measurements, give block prescriptions, and set short and long term goals. This will allow for a more personalized and detailed plan for success with paleo/zone. Participation in the Nutrition Program includes a commitment to 30 days of strict (or modified if needed) paleo/zone diet following the first program meeting and PNC. Individuals will be given access to “Beyond the Whiteboard” to use for daily logging of food/fluid, sleep, and exercise. The zone block guide and a month-long meal plan will be provided as well. After the initial consult, members may choose to schedule personal nutrition coaching at any time if they require more personalized information for additional cost.
Participants can choose to sign up for a three, or six month commitment to the nutrition program. Meetings will be held bi-weekly following the start of the program. Measurements will be retaken during designated times by appointment.