Skills Day
For time: L-sit hold
For reps: max double unders
For distance: HS walk or For time HS hold
Post experiences to comments or BTYB.

CrossFit Kids YAY!
Our first CrossFit Verve Kids session completed last Saturday and was a huge success! The kids learned several foundational movements and had fun at the same time. Tons of jumping, laughing, and learning occurred in the six week session. We are planning to have our next six week session to start the week after the CrossFit Games. It will run from July 21st to August 25th on Saturday’s at 1:30pm. We will be building off of the concepts taught in the first session with new movements and games. In the mean time, we want to keep the steam rolling. Verve will be hosting a CrossFit Kids class this Saturday June 30th at 1:30pm and is open to all!