5 – 5 – 5 – 5 – 5
Overhead squat
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Nanos’ soon to be back in stock!
Been wanting some Reebok Nano’s, in just the right size and color? Well, Reebok has the Nano’s back in stock! Yay and we plan to make another order by Thursday night. So if you want us to order your special size and color, please e-mail cherie@crossfitverve.com with the exact size and color you’re looking for ASAP and we’ll get them for you.
Nutrition challenge update – By Patrick McGinty
So it hasn’t been that long since we had our nutrition challenge, where there were amazing results and such positive responses. It’s been been only 10 weeks and we are curious how people are holding up and continuing their great work. What has worked? What has not? Who is still going strong? This may be a good time, as we head into summer, to check out your food journal from those weeks not so long ago and remind yourself of the great work you did.
Perhaps set some new goals for the summer. BBQ’s and all of the fixings can be a challenging time to maintain a solid paleo/zone diet. Perhaps you can do a self assessment to see what is working and set small goals to make sure that at least one meal a day is paleo. Or maybe you need to make sure that you have enough food prepped for the week to make your life easier. You may need to simply get the old menus and shopping lists. Remind yourself that the challenge wasn’t that hard and the pay offs were huge. It could even be as simple as getting batteries for your food scale to make sure your blocking your meals. Whatever your goal may be, take a moment to share your goal to help inspire all of us.
Below is another informational and eye opening article that sheds light on the horrors of processed food. From secretion from beaver glands to duck feathers, the American public has grown accustom to eating products that are easy and have long life shelves. Now the sides of a box of food may not say “includes duck feathers” but buyer must still be aware. For example, amino acids can be derived from duck feathers and hair. Amino acids sound like good supplements for a strong body and perhaps when seen on the side of a product does not raise an eye brow. A good rule to follow is if it is not going to grow mold in the next week or so it is probably not worth putting in your body.
Our next Nutrition lecture will be Thursday May 31st at 7pm, be there or be square!