Wednesday 120502



For time:

Run 1600m
50 Push-press, 45#(35#)
Run 800m
35 Push-press, 75#(55#)
Run 400m
20 Push-press, 95#(65#)

Post time to comments.

Headbands... yes, Sass... YES!

Why Pose Running?

The dreaded heel strike.  For those who may not know what I am talking about, the heel strike is what is referred to when you run heel-toe, heel-toe.  Your body is upright, and your knees and spine take the brunt of the impact, whether you think you feel it or not.  That’s why you are always asked to do those annoying POSE running drills.  You know, the ones where we try to train you to run toe-heel, toe-heel.  It’s only because we care. No, really.  I don’t want you to end up with wonky knees or a bad back because you are too stubborn to run the right way, a way that takes much stress off your body.  

Here’s a challenge:  Take your shoes off, and run barefoot down the street.  Try to do your heel-toe method. I guarantee it will hurt.  You will naturally want to shock the impact of your body running by landing on the balls of your feet first.  Now, imagine what you are doing to your body, in a small way, every time you strike your heel on the ground when you run.  Multiply the miles over years, and you start to understand why we don’t give up you.  You have 1 3/4 miles to run in this WOD (that’s an about 5,110 steps).  Let’s fight the good fight for great positioning today one step at a time.

━ Past WODs

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Wednesday 240103

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Sunday 230917

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Saturday 230916

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Friday 230915

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