As Many Rounds As Possible in 20 minutes
20 Box jumps, 20″
5 Muscle ups
30 Double unders
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Best Shape of My Life – Bio-marker changes Winners!
We were so impressed with so many changes in just 4 short weeks. It’s amazing how our cells respond after 4 weeks of creating a healthful environment for them. And now it’s time that we’ve identified the winners of the blood work changes category. This category was judged based on a combination of changes of total cholesterol, HDL’s LDL’s, blood pressure, resting heart rate,triglycerides and glucose levels. MANY MANY people saw amazing results, it was difficult to determine the winners. Just like the body comp, this is not necessarily a bombproof way of determining these numbers however, we do see some important trending in these markers which will accurately help us understand what direction our health is headed.
The winner of the women’s category of largest change in bio markers is Stacey Engle!
Stacey in 4 weeks went from a total cholesterol of 171 to 147. Her triglycerides wen from 87 to 75, LDL’s from 74 to 70. But the biggest change that stuck out with Stacey is her blood pressure going from 159/90 to 145/81 (heading in the right direction and if that change can happen in 4 weeks what will happen in 8? This is truly amazing. Congratulations Stacey we are very proud of your changes in such a short time.
The winner of the Men’s category of largest change in bio markers is Noah Oloya!
Noah in 4 weeks went from a total cholesterol of 168 to 121. His triglycerides from 86 to 61 LDL’s went from 82 to 66. Glucose from 78 to 60 and blood pressure from 130/103 to 124/81. What significant changed is just 4 weeks! Congratulations Noah we are very proud of your changes in such a short time.
Stacey and Noah win one free month at Verve, all of their Challenge money returned (minus bloodwork), and their choice of one Verve apparel item. The changes you see above were accomplished in four weeks time! Imagine what you can do to your health and wellness if you employ the dietary tactics for life! I hope you join us in congratulating Stacey and Noah on their hard work.
Stay tuned for performance increase winners.