For time:
Three rounds
12 Back squat 225# (155#), 50% of 1RM
24 Push-ups with hand release
36 Double unders
Post time to comments.
Just a reminder: Today start a new schedule! We’ve added a class every Monday – Thursday. Times are now 4, 5, 6, and 7pm. We hope this helps some of the wait-list blues in the pm classes.
More exciting news, we had an overwhelming amount of people ask us to go back to the “old style” Verve programing in our 2011 annual survey. Today marks the first day that we are back on track and programing all the WOD’s for the gym. We will also be introducing weekly skill focuses to be added into all classes. Your trainers will fill you in on the current day/weeks focus. These focuses will rotate and work to give us all more time to get better at difficult positions and movements. Time to get ready for some fun!
“Most of us would rather be ruined by praise than saved by criticism.” -Rainer Martens
So I have a confession to make…”I wanna be good at everything.” And when I’m not, then I get frustrated, and sometimes, every once in a while, that frustration comes out in the open. I think it’s CrossFit’s fault really, I mean that’s what we teach about building a capacity across a wide variety of areas so that we’ll be ready for anything that life throws at us. But lately I’ve caught myself getting a little defensive when being coached, of course I am a bit of a perfectionist, it’s always been a fault of mine. It nearly always happens when it’s a movement or exercise I’m definitely not good at. So I get a little frustrated at myself for not doing as well as I know I can or want to. It happens to all of us, even as trainers, because we know the “how” of it, but sometimes can’t apply it in the moment.
But in the end, it comes down to being coach-able, and reinforcing good movement every day. So taking a moment to listen and let the feedback sink in, and then hopefully put it into play. Patience is a virtue and there will always be something to work on, so we have to be willing to leave our ego at the door and laugh at ourselves when we are here. Some days we got it, some days we don’t. But every day we have a choice on how to respond.
I have difficulty being coached on squatting, I know my knees go in so please quit telling me, I’m trying to fix it can’t you tell? That’s what I think in my head anyways. What do you have difficulty being coached on?