Five rounds for time of:
9 Deadlifts, 135# (95#)
6 Hang power snatch, 135# (95#)
3 Overhead squats, 135# (95#)
Post time to comments.
How do we get better? Is there a magic formula, pill or code to crack? Many of us wish there were, but the reality of the situation is you have to work hard at anything (insert any life skill/art here) to get better at it. Shocking revelation I know, but you would be surprised at how many of us expect we will stay fit, injury free, and even put out elite athletic performances with average effort. When you think about mastering a skill, how long do you imagine it takes? Take Tai Chi for instance, if you decided today that you wanted to be great at Tai Chi, not the best ever, but better then average, where you can hold your own and feel fluid in the movements. What do you think it would take? How much time? What type of training? A self guided DVD or your very own personal master?
While we all understand intellectually, that any thing great takes time to master, we rarely think this actually applies to us. Take all the times I’ve tried to learn the guitar over the years. Every time I picked it up I expected to be better at it, and not just better at it but good enough where it will be fun and not just work. But I rarely picked it up, at best 3x a week for an hour if my attention span allowed. Then I would get bored, because it wasn’t getting easier and I’d put it off again until random motivation inspired me to pick it up. Frustratingly, I never got better and eventually quit trying. Now was I bad at the guitar because of genetics, or I kept getting hurt or I just had no talent, or my mom should have put me in music lessons? No, not at all. I’m bad at the guitar because I didn’t put in the time I needed to in order to be great at it. Your fitness and CrossFit work the same way. However unfortunately, being human we don’t have the luxury to ignore it and move on to something else more interesting. If we do, we lose functional capacity, maybe not today, but we will.
So lets break down what this really means. My first suggestion is to evaluate your goals and intentions with CrossFit. Is your goal to stay healthy, improve your quality of life and build a hedge against decrepitude? Is your goal to be able to compete at the CrossFit Games? Is your goal to be ready for anything; hiking, climbing, biking etc. Once you know your goal you can create a realistic commitment to that goal. Aligning your expectations with your goals is extremely important to being successful. Coming in 3x’s a week and expecting to be the fastest time on the board or have all movements completed as Rx’d is unrealistic. Instead of comparing yourself to the board, the workout or other athletes, ask yourself if you’re getting better? Are you putting in the time it takes to get better? Are you focusing on how your body moves and concentrating on each small step of the movements you are completing or are you just going as fast as you can while the wheels fly off? Either way, you get out of it what you put into it. Mastering any art/skill takes time, patience, practice, coaching, and total concentration. If mastering isn’t your thing, chill out and enjoy good fitness.
So here is a a very simple guide to getting better:
Step 1: Evaluate your goals (realistic)
Step 2: Build a routine to match those goals
Step 3: Be coachable
Step 4: Follow thru with concentrated practice (that’s what warm ups and skill work is for)
Step 5: Be a little easier on yourself. A positive outlook will get you up a mountain, while being hard on yourself never got you anywhere.