Three rounds for time:
50 AbMat sit-ups
10 Sotts presses, 75#/55#
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K-star, upwardly mobile and handsome.
Addressing Your Pitfalls in the Sotts Press
The Sotts press is a movement that punishes poor flexibility. It requires solid body positioning in the bottom of a squat, especially an upright torso. This position translates into dozens of movements ranging from a front squat to a snatch, but is magnified in the Sotts press because of the actual press.
If you find that when you perform this movement you are unable to keep your eyes and chest up while in the bottom of the squat, it's worthwhile to begin addressing the reasons why you are incapable. Is it because you have a lack of strength in your midsection, your abdomen, obliques, and erectors? Or is it because your psoas, one of the hip flexors that runs from your lumbar spine to your femurs, is soooo tight that it pulls your chest down? Or is it potentially a lack of flexibility in your overhead position that prevents you from performing this movment easily?
Whatever the case may be, don't blame the press for your inability to enjoy this delightful movement… try to figure out what's preventing your smile from shining through. Chances are, if you address your pitfalls in the Sotts press, you'll enjoy other overhead movments more as well. It's a constant struggle to improve at your weaknesses – don't ever give up!