30 – 25 - 20 - 15 - 10 - and 5 rep rounds for time of:
Virtual shoveling, 45#/25#
With an Olympic bar holding only one 45# plate (25#), touch the plate on one side of the barrier, then the touch the other side of the barrier for one 'rep'. The barrier is 24" tall.
Compare to March 16, 2009.
Post time and thoughts to comments.
Cherie using the good morning to strengthen the posterior chain.
A couple of quick notes:
First, the Chan's will be hosting a Festivus party this Saturday starting at 5pm. Their address and directions to their house will be listed at the gym on the events board. They'll be providing the meat, so you should bring your finest Paleo side dish. Gluten-free beer and wine will be provided, but you're on your own for the hard stuff. Save your cheats for Saturday and enjoy a night free of weighing and measuring. Bring some cash too, as we'll be celebrating the holidays with a little Texas hold 'em. Beginner? No problem – it's all for fun.
Second, our Wednesday and Friday 7:30pm classes have been extremely popular. These classes are going to be strictly CrossFit Games prep classes until the Sectionals roll around in March. Expect some strength work, some power work, some speed work, and some skill work. No details will be given prior to class, so show up and get prepared for the Games! Class size is limited, so sign up early if you really want to be a part of the class.