As many rounds as possible in 25:00 of:
10 Power cleans 135#(95#)
Run 400 meters
20 min Amrap
4 Sandbag squat thrusts
6 Toes to bar
8 Box Jumps
Now that we’ve started our squatting cycle, Maddie is going to be offering a hip mobility class on Sunday’s at 10:00 am. Here’s a little info about what to expect:
Hello beautiful humans,
We’re about embark on a great squatting adventure for the next three weeks, which means: you and your hips will need some extra love. Every Sunday for the next three weeks I’ll be running a hip mobility class at 10AM directly after the WOD.
Mobility lives in the connection point between strength and flexibility, and that’s where this class will also live. We’ll do some stretching and some activation and some sneaky, why is this SO HARD, stuff.
If you want to do the WOD and move into this class, great. If you want to come and just do this class, also great. Either way the goal is to have you leave feeling better than you did when you came and to set you up for the rest of the squatting week.
If you are interested in the hip mobility class, please sign up for the 10:00 am Open Gym on Sundays.