Tuesday 190924




Every 2 minutes x 15 rounds:
1 Squat clean
*Start at 60% of 1 rep max clean and add 5 pounds each round.

Rest 4 minutes

Then, 3 rounds for time:
12 KB zercher hold reverse lunge steps, 16kg(12kg)
100m KB farmer carry, 16kg(12kg)


Ring Rows
KB Deadlift
**rest 3 min
Kipping Pull Up
KB Deadlift
**rest 3 min
Strict or C2B Pull up
KB Deadlift
***GOAL: build to AHAP on KB deadlift every amrap

Image result for crossfit open 2020

CrossFit Verve Friday Night Lights FUN In House Open Competition.  


This year we will be doing something a little different for the Open.  We are going to have two teams, those born before 1987 and those born in 1987 or after.  We are calling the teams, Masters vs. Millenials.  

For five Friday nights starting October 12th and ending November 8th we will have a FUN in house comp on Friday nights.  We will start at around 5:00 pm and we will run heats rather than having structured classes. 

We are going to kick off the night with a 1 on 1, 2 on 2, or 3 on 3 matches.  We’ll have anyone that would like to volunteer for these opening matches put their names in a hat and then we will pull out the names to go head to head.

After the opening matches, we’ll have heats that you can sign up for to do the workout.  

This is for FUN so anyone that is going to sign up to do the OPEN through CrossFit HQ can participate if they want, but we’ll have other times available for you to do the workout with judges.  Courtney will be organizing the times for those of you that are signing up for the OPEN through CrossFit HQ to do the workout. More info will follow for those of you that are going to sign up for the OPEN.

After you workout on Friday night, we’ll have flip cup, cornhole, and spike ball.  There will be points awarded for winning those games that will count towards your teams overall scores.  These games will also be Masters vs. Millenials and we’ll have score sheets to track the points won for flip cup, cornhole, and spike ball.  

During classes on Friday, we’ll be doing the OPEN workout as our class WOD.  If you workout during the day and would still like to come Friday night to play games and earn points for your team and have a few adult beverages, we encourage you to come.

We are going to do a pot luck for food so if you are interested in bringing in some tasty treats we’d would be very appreciative.  More info will follow on the pot luck.

There will be a lot more information posted in the coming weeks.  This is just the broad strokes of what we are planning for Friday Night Lights during the OPEN.

We will have a link for you to sign up for the correct team based on the year you were born.  We were thinking about having everyone pay $10 to participate and all the money will be used for t’shirts or other prizes for the winning team.  This isn’t a done deal yet, but as long as there weren’t any objections to the $10 entry fee, we could charge the cards you have on file for your memberships.

The primary goal for the Friday Night Lights in house comp is to have FUN!

Come in, workout, play some games, consume some food and drinks, and get to know your fellow members better.

We will have an official Scoreboard for the the workout and to track points won playing the games.  Further details about the scoring will be provided as we get closer to the first week.   

There won’t be any costume themes or any other requirements to participate.  We want to make this is a FUN as we can and get as many people to participate as we can.  All the workouts will have Rx and scaled versions and we’ll have modifications for anyone that needs them.  

Once the sign up sheet is ready, we’ll post the link on the blog and social pages so you can sign up for the correct team.  

Stay tuned to the blog and social pages for more information to come.

If you have any questions you can email me at eric@crossfitverve.com but there are many more details to come in the coming weeks.  We look forward to FUN Friday nights once the OPEN starts.  

If you are newer to CrossFit and don’t know what the OPEN is, please visit: https://games.crossfit.com/open


━ Past WODs

Wednesday 240320

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Wednesday 240103

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Sunday 230917

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Saturday 230916

With a partner With a 22:00 5-10-15-20-25Power snatch 135#(95#)15-12-9-6-3Ring muscle ups Run 200 meters together after each set With the remaining time:Build to a heavy power snatch Scores =...

Friday 230915

Every 2:30 x 54 Front squats*Use the back squat weight from 090823For time:50 Wallballs 20#(14#)Row 250 meters20 Ab mat sit upsRow 250 meters35 Wallballs...
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